UA 1176 Classic Limiter Collection
Customer Reviews
1176 Classic Limiter Collection
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H. Zhang
nice plugin
1176 is a very clean, and very with elastic compression device,
I never used to the hardware version, but it was enough to make me think it is well worth using.
For vocals, the guitar is very good, can enhance the sound quality of class.
Like it very much.
E. Mejia
Classic Sounds
1176 classic collection does the job right and well. The sound that comes off these plugins are sweet and nice. Put these on vocals drums bass it just bring that sound upfront. Look no further for that analog feel that analog feel is here
E. Borges
I also have distressors, but in many cases, I feel that the uad 1176 fits better in the mix.
Great plugin.
J. H
All three are great!
I was using the legacy 1176 for a while, and I thought it was much better than any 1176 plug I had tried (and I tried a few). UA put this collection on sale for 99 bucks and I just had to get them. The difference is huge! So much more open and analog sounding. They are very DSP heavy compared to the legacy models though, but that is to be expected.
G. Soloviev
Best 1776!
it's such a different sound to suit mix can only be obtained from new 1176 and ls-2
N. Nodurft
Best 1176 plugin
I've compared this to other plugins and hardware units, and it's safe to say that it is the best emulation I've ever heard. I even liked it better than some of the cheaper 1176 hardware clones. The purple audio 1176 was slightly better (this is 99% there and you could never tell in a mix) , but at this price it's a steal! I got it for $100 and have no regrets. I have an apollo and this lives on my vocal tracking in the console software. I also use it for tracking acoustic, guitars and some drums. Between this and the api vision strip I'm set.
N. Nodurft
Best 1176 plugin
I've compared this to other plugins and hardware units, and it's safe to say that it is the best emulation I've ever heard. I even liked it better than some of the cheaper 1176 hardware clones. The purple audio 1176 was slightly better (this is 99% there and you could never tell in a mix) , but at this price it's a steal! I got it for $100 and have no regrets. I have an apollo and this lives on my vocal tracking in the console software. I also use it for tracking acoustic, guitars and some drums. Between this and the api vision strip I'm set.
M. Weimer
More punch, better "open" sound quality.
More punch, better "open" sound quality.
Was a bit skeptical in the beginning but you can here and feel an improvement here.
If you love the old 1176 go for these as well!
S. Ha
I love this plug in
It does an amazing job all project.
it sets your lead-vocal in your face
J. Neale
What can a say!
This is the classic compressor. It is necessary in all studio situations. Sounds smooth, distorts as it is meant to and colours correctly. I always use uad rather than other brands as it really is the best sound.
J. Hiltz
Get them!
I demoed these the first week I got my Apollo, and decided that the legacy version was good enough. I like the legacy 1176 better than any other comp plug I've tried. After spending several months with the legacy 1176 I decided to try out the newer ones again, and I was blown away. I guess I was just so impressed with the original that I didn't see the need to upgrade, but now I am very glad I did. All three have their own subtleties and they are all terrific. They keep up with my hardware distressor very well, and its nice being able to track with them on the Apollo with no latency.
C. Byrne
Wow! Just Wow!
These things clamp down on anything! Well worth the price. Love the 2:1 ratio on the AE version.
J. Barrios
This set of compressors is just amazing! I was using the legacy ones but as soon I try this collection I decided to purchase it. They work fantastic in any source you want to use them.
L. Schefman
1176 Collection
These are useful and so easy to use if you've ever worked with the hardware. The presets are also very well done.
The sound quality is super-nice.
S. Civetta
This bundle is just amazing. Well recommended!!!! Amazing on every kind of source!
O. Khaki
the best
It is best that is universal audio as always their both Haridwar and plugs present performs best gain on the market can beat the
B. Williams
1176 Collection
Really pleased with these comps. A noticeable step up from the legacy version. Between the three of them it's easy to find something that does most jobs to a really high standard. The silver face is amazing for smashing drums. To my ears they capture the vibe of the hardware units really well. Wether they are a 'perfect' recreation or not doesn't really bother me, they sound great.
L. Pimentel
I'm speechless!
Being an UREI 1176 owner for years I finally decided to give the UAD family a chance. This collection was worth every single penny. Its a must have.
C. Dornan
I love these compressors. Very versatile and easy to use once you wrap your head around how to use them on different material. Great for adding crunch to drums, bass and instruments. I also like these for parallel compression, and for catching peaks in a vox signal chain before compressing it again with a slower compressor.
C. Kazmier
Love these guys!
Have the original UAD-1 version and use it all the time. Gave the demo's a try and I just bought them. Can't go wrong.