UA 610 Tube Preamp & EQ Collection
Customer Reviews
UA 610 Tube Preamp & EQ Collection
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k. naga
Simple and sounds good.
Frequently used because it gives thickness to the guitar and bass with simple operation.
A. Müller
UA 610-B Tube Preamp and EQ - My wonderweapon
I use this a lot for recording my hardware-synths. If they don't sound like i want, i use this plugin and voilá! This plugin makes the difference. More presence and clarity, with a few knobs. I really recommend this plugin, if you do AD-recordings.
D. Williams
Incredible, just incredible...
Well, I already own the 610 hardware preamp, and it's plug in counterpart (610 B) and love them both in equal measure.......but, I decided to splash out on the 610 A recently as I had a few old acoustic recordings that I wanted to revisit to see if I could squeeze a bit more character out of the original tracks...
Yep, it certainly has that vintage tone I was looking for.....absolutely outstanding! Thanks once again UAD for providing me with another invaluable, go to plug in.........you just keep smashing it straight out the park.
Terrific on bass
Great plug-in, I like it on drums mainly on the kick to get some more low end and also on bass for the same reason, great low end without being muddy
C. Carr
Very simple !
Great sounding and simple to use. But also have the API, SSL and Neve options in my UAD arsenal and always find myself reaching for one of those over the UA610.
A. Gamez
Sweet Warm Tones
I own a Solo 610 Preamp and have used it extensively for more than 7 years. This plugin came in free when I purchased a PCI Accelerator card from my computer and decided to use it on a tracking session just to get it out of my mind.
I could easily sell my real hardware and just stick to this instead and never regret about it. UA nailed it.
D. Bruce
Nice sound
Love the sound. Its so close to the actual solo 610 i cant tell thr difference!
I. Brooks
Excellent Tool
Very simple plugin. Sounds fantastic. So far I've used it to track with. It creates a strong, warm waveform that gives you a lot to work with once it's in your DAW. I'm sure I'll find many other uses for it in time. Great plugin.
Great sounding PreAmp/EQ!!!!
You have to hear this during mixing to understand how good this plug-in is!!!!
G. Violet
Plug and play !
Pas de prise de tête avec le 610, on insert et ca sonne ! Les réglages sont minimalistes et c'est bien dans l'esprit de ce matos...plug and play !
It just does not get any better!
Whether this plugin or another, anything Universal Audio puts out is simply nothing short of amazing!
M. Brascich
INBELIEVEBLE PREAMPS !!! aud always the best !!!
P. Gharapetian
love this
one of my go to plugins in the whole collection of UAD.
M. Buracchi
I have both the physical product and the plug and I can say that the last one works really well I recommend it
L. Bermudez
Us 610 tube preamp & EQ
Main reason bought the had 2 just amazing
H. Shin
Really nice
L. Colan
I was enjoying the 610B which i got for free ... then i hooked up the 610A demo on some percussion ... and bought it. The two of them have breathed new life into ALL my channel plugin chains. Beautiful.
F. Juan
Excelent for vintage synth!!!
Really amazing!! I find them very useful to track analogue synths. I love their warmness.
C. Paschall
Subtle but fat
Great plug to reach for when you just need a little tube saturation. Character for days but not too wooly sounding. Really dig it.
M. Curnow
Takes the digital edge off recorded signals, really lovely to use if you haven't got nice preamps to work through. Rounds everything off, very useful tool.