Ampeg® SVT-VR Bass Amplifier
Customer Reviews
Ampeg SVT-VR Bass Amplifier
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p. tsamis
Wonderful plug-in!!!!!
One of the best bass amp plugin at the market!!!
R. Trevor
A must have !
I write primarily Rock style instrumental cues so I was naturally led to the SVT sound. I know it well and I wasn't disappointed.
s. fujimoto
Sound of stability
Thick sound that does not choose a genre.
Especially the best match for jazz bass!
J. Deschenes
This is GREAT!
I would never be able to dial in these tones in the room I have to work with. I can slot bass tracks to sit right where they need to be, and tweak on the fly. No need to carry an Ampeg down the stairs. Thanks. Looking forward to the Gallien-Krueger plug.
A. Keuter
Super nice
I like the sound of this product. The bass sounds perfect. Good job UAD
J. Delgado
Very cool
Power bass!!!! Thank you
J. Ljungdahl
Great sounding
I'm a guitarist that also track bass when I have to :-) I just use one of the presets, tweak it a little bit and I'm good to go. Usually sits great in the mix.
S. Clarke
Very nice bass amp
Very nice. More modern sounding than my B15N so between the two of them I've got all the tones I want covered.
A. Staples
Just Like The Real Thing
Really great sounding plugin. Sounds just like a real Ampeg SVT-VR. A beautiful analog sound that can go from warm and fat to knarly and overdriven. Very versatile.
J. Davies
The SVT has a good sound for bass, but since I'm not using distortion like with guitar, I look at this plugin like any other preamp. I plug a P-Bass into the Hi-Z input with an SVT or a Neve or 610 preamp and like all the results depending on the song I'm working on. I will say I'm addicted to the Fairchild for bass compression and sometimes double compress lightly with a Distressor. My sound is heavy rock with a seventies influence.
G. Booker
Bass isn't just mud anymore!
This is incredible!!!!! Sounds exactly like a SVT and I should know I had our bassist point one at me for 4 years. I was thinking of getting a bass emulation but was always worried I'd get nothing but mud and buzzzzzzzz, Glad to say UAD found a way to cram a whole lot of love into a bass program. Loving this and I just tapped the surface of what it can do!!!!! Try the demo, now I'm gunning for the 15 watt other Ampeg!!!
T. Glosser
Thank You UAD
Still way better than any bass sims that I own.
I. Inkilä
Worth it
Great Sounding amp and is my go to plugin for bass demoing. It has lovely break up when pushing the input.
L. Roccatagliati
Great on Bass sampled lines
To be honest I'm only using as instert plug, and not as unison, but it's essential on bass line sampled from sample banks. More powerful and real
L. Roccatagliati
Great on Bass sampled lines
To be honest I'm only using as instert plug, and not as unison, but it's essential on bass line sampled from sample banks. More powerful and real
M. Gustafson
As close as you can get
I am always in awe of what UA is capable of. This amp can bring life to a DI bass or supplement an existing one. I like running synths through it to add a bit of a re amp vibe. Wonderful tool. I have it pulled up against the hardware amp currently and I am impressed.
Sounds like the real thing
Works great and doesn’t burn through KT-88s!
G. Booker
Ampeg SVR-VR Bass Amplifier
WOW!!!! What else is necessary to say. All the hype is true, I hate DI bass, lets get that said now. I'd do anything,... to get a real amp tone, ( and yes I've done it all, even putting the bass amp in my living room upstairs). But this single plug has changed the world for me. Folks just use the demo for 30 days and see for yourself. It's so easy and fun to finally have a plug of this quality that you can rely on a Plug as if it were a real AMP!!!!!! Please try it and if I'm lying I'm dyeing!!!!! I've tried others but this is in a class of its own.
C. Stowell
Ampeg SVT-VR Bass Amplifier
I put this in the unison slot of my Apollo X8P and it was a dream. Felt like a was playing an amp being record with fantastic results.
J. De mendonca
Helps mixing bass
Long time user of Ashdown bass amps with nice valve stages. This has replaced it for my recording purposes. Great tone and weight, sits well in the mix.