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Regular Price: $599.00


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Customer Reviews

API Complete UAD Plug‑In Bundle

Overall Rating

2361-2380 of 2406 Results

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D. Mazurek

September 8, 2013

Beats Waves by a hair.

Did a fairly extensive shoot out between these and the Waves API EQs when UA first released them. And while the Waves were pretty good, the UA were better to my ears. I didn't pull the trigger then but on a promo, paying $133 for these was a no brainer.

H. Schmidt

September 5, 2013

very good

great sound, for me at the moment the best EQ plug in available. Especially the parametric EQ allows to correct very fast.

L. Perry

September 3, 2013

nice on bass

i started the demo and loved this plugin.. i used a few presets to get an idea of how it worked.. i put it on a bass guitar and i was sold.. it really defined the sound which gives midi tracks life... you wont be let down with this Eq..

N. Hemple

September 1, 2013


Seriously i am so impressed with UA right now.
It makes me very excited for the future of Universal Audio & where plug ins can go.
Still haven't heard a Plugin compressor this impressive but im guessing we will very soon but only from UA !

Ps the New Pultec is spot on as well, Much Love to UA for making my life easier.

R. Comitz

August 28, 2013

API® 500 Series EQ Plug-In Collection

these eq's are great! these eq's are great! these eq's are great! these eq's are great! these eq's are great! these eq's are great! these eq's are great! these eq's are great! these eq's are great! these eq's are great! these eq's are great! these eq's are great!

H. Hamilton

August 26, 2013

not bad at all!

These eq plugins do a very musical job. Just a little sweetening is all it sometimes takes and these do it most nicely. They can also make some very agressive mods. I like the 560 a lot on guitar. Just a little extra high end a bit out of the middle and suddenly its the sound I hear in my head (which has obviously been trained by years of music shaped by API eq's). Well worth the money.

M. Gilbert

August 21, 2013

easy to shape with this eq

I have found this plug in to be my go to EQ for fast tonal shaping, mostly with the 560 graphic, the tapered Q makes teasing the right sound out of Bass, keys and drums a simple task

J. Cain

August 15, 2013

Sold me on UAD

I picked up the API collection in my custom bundle with my Apollo a few months back and every time I put it on it justifies me joining the UAD family. Balls, richness, and control that I didn't expect from a software EQ. Love it on drums, bass, and more abrasive guitar parts. Pultec is my sweet EQ. This is my mean EQ. Tonnes of punch.

M. Bolton

July 27, 2013

Crisper Than Clean Sheets

Before having owned these two, I had been using the UAD Manley Massive Passive as my main go-to EQ. I used it for most all purposes, and I thought I was well off. In the past, I had demoed these a few times, but barely listen to them.
Then I got an API 512c preamp, and I loved its sound. So, I gave these another try in shootouts against the Massive Passive. They both made me find the Massive Passive to oftentimes be downright muddy in the low end.
The overall character of these — especially the 560 — is exactly as advertised: punchy and tight. Their top end has a specific sheen that takes a lot to get harsh. Heck, they'd be great for mastering, even.
I run a small home studio, and this was the best upgrade I've gotten in a long time.

M. Bolton

July 27, 2013

Crisper Than Clean Sheets

Before having owned these two, I had been using the UAD Manley Massive Passive as my main go-to EQ. I used it for most all purposes, and I thought I was well off. In the past, I had demoed these a few times, but barely listen to them.
Then I got an API 512c preamp, and I loved its sound. So, I gave these another try in shootouts against the Massive Passive. They both made me find the Massive Passive to oftentimes be downright muddy in the low end.
The overall character of these — especially the 560 — is exactly as advertised: punchy and tight. Their top end has a specific sheen that takes a lot to get harsh. Heck, they'd be great for mastering, even.
I run a small home studio, and this was the best upgrade I've gotten in a long time.

H. Nakanishi

July 17, 2013


560 is my best EQ!!
Very easy to access to good point, also sounds AMAZING!
It works for EVERYTHING!!

C. French

July 14, 2013


Sounds and breathes just like the hardware! THE best two EQ plug-ins currently on the market. Makes everything bigger, fatter and more open. The stereo image just explodes in front of you. UAD definitely raising itb mixing to new levels - my current mixes have so come to life with the API 550a (fantastic on vocals and bass) and API 560 (across the 2-bus).

S. Simmich

July 12, 2013

fantastic lo end !

As an owner of the Waves API bundle I had to think more than twice before buying the same emulation again.

After doing some mixes with the demos I had no other choice...
These plugins absolutely shine on drums, my personal favourite is the 560 for kick and snare and 550 for drumbus and bass.

Especially the tight and fat lo-end impressed me, there is a certain tone that no other EQ i own ( and that's quite a lot !) has.

The question if it sounds 100% like the original is not so important to me, but I have worked with HW 550s and I own a HW 2500 comp, so I can confirm that these plugins have the familiar API tone !

Great tools, great times for ITB processing !

T. Meagher

July 5, 2013

Great Eq

These plug-ins really did capture the essence of the original hardware.

B. Horsfield

July 1, 2013

H.View Studio

Total hats off to UAD on this powerful copy on the API classic EQs. The demo had me won over in minutes great job but still I think it's very dear for a plugin bought in on the sale. Thank you UAD 5 Stars all the way

S. Navel

June 28, 2013

best EQ plug in so far

Every time UAD released a new plugin its closer to real things
I A/B with a(not vintage) real 550A and it was so close that honestly I couldn't tell the different it was more like every module sound a bit different
Mixing a track only using the API make you mix sound really analog not like most other plugins
I does make the NEVE (even if they are also great) a touch less exiting

I. Papagiannidis

June 26, 2013

Best EQ !

the warmest, smoothest EQ i ve ever heard in the software world...

nothing compares to it's sound!

low end- so warm without make the sound boomy ...
middle range brings the sound in your face and make it so clear and full of life and power
top end is a miracle .the soft distortion makes the sound so sweet and gives such character and opens up the sound

and a last thing ... it makes the sound sounds more stereo in a way...more open...with more definition ...

John Jeff Touch

Producer /singer/ songwriter

L. Franchi

June 13, 2013

Super EQ

excellent EQ I was waiting for a long time
great job as always !!

R. Bluemner

June 13, 2013

Problem no problem no more

i did solve a problem mix with API problem!

D. Carter

June 7, 2013

Stupid Awesome

These things are stupid. What they do for guitars, drums and bass is incredible. I put the 550 on the mix buss and it sounds amazing. I really believe these are the best eq's the UA guys have made and UA has made some really good ones. AU Rocks. I'm ready for the API 2500 Comp !!

2361-2380 of 2406 Results