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Customer Reviews


Overall Rating

401-420 of 422 Results

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P. Knight

March 2, 2018

Simply amazing

I got this for my home studio, so that I could do some work on some light mixes at home without having to go all the way to work. Now, due to its simplicity, I find myself doing more and more work from home studio because the interface is so easy to work with on my 2017 MacBook Pro. Seera, you could have more ins and outs, but that’s what my other Apollo’s are for.

Though this is usually marketed at a price point and concept to bring people into the universal audio ecosystem, I feel it may be best for those of us who are the are in it and wish to have many of the functions of our Apollo’s away from work.

E. Zoi

February 28, 2018

So far, usual UA quality and super portability

Using it with a brand new MacBook Pro , Logic Pro x. I am a happy owner of Apollos and a Twin and this thing is not as solid or powerful as them, but it has all the main features and it's super portable and handy!
That said, not a problem yet, the system is lovely as usual and I would advice the Arrow for on-the-go musicians and engineers, of course.

f. pinto

February 28, 2018


it is absolutely perfect for having at home. Sounds great and it is so simple to setup with Logic. Wating for TB3 octo accelerator.....

R. Lopes

February 26, 2018

Bad bad bad (low level headphone)

Problem using it with my windows 10 Thunderbolt 3 equipped notebook, some terrible distortion, no fix yet.
Tested with my sister macbook and had bad experience too.
It's funny how they can such a low level headphone output, since the main monitoring in portable interfaces are headphones!! Sorry if don't carry with me my 8" monitor speakers when traveling.
Terrible, I barely can hear myself when singing without clipping on the way in.... Sad. Very disappointed.

A. Carmody

February 26, 2018

A Beautiful Introduction

I'm new to the UAD universe and while I make use of a lot of plugins in my production, I'm always a bit cynical finding hardware to be both sonically and ergonomically more appealing. With Arrow that has all changed and I have to say of the plugins I have tried they are superb, musical and inspiring. I have a new MBP and was heading towards an Apollo before this was released. Now while it is a little underpowered in the dsp department, I feel it is a great portable solution and for the money an Apollo quad will cost, you can get one of these and a quad satellite (which I'm planning on getting). I think if you have a new TB3 laptop this is a great portable option that sounds just great. The included plugins are awesome and comprehensive (a few weirder ones would have been nice) and getting to demo all the gear is great (bear in mind that if you buy a plugin your chance to demo resets so you get to demo all the products again for another 14 days). I'm glad to have joined the world of UAD!

R. DeVaul

February 25, 2018

Horrible Drivers!!!!

I patiently waited for a native thunderbolt 3 audio interface, so I was beyond excited when I saw the arrow. That said. The latency is absolute trash outside of dsp powered plugins. I can't even play one single vst with a decent buffer size without horrific pops, clicks and totally inaudible sound after a few moments. My skull canyon nuc is completely configured for thunderbolt as per the instructions on the uad website as well as my bios. I so disappointed it's sickening. What's the point of coming out with a TB# audio interface with garbage latency and drivers? Did they forget that people use these interfaces for thing beyond tracking!? Meanwhile Focusrite thunderbolt drivers are rock solid......smdh! I'm sending this thing back asap before my 30 day return expires!

T. Martinez

February 24, 2018

Expert Sound | Novice Hardware

This thing sounds terrific ...Which is the most important thing, right? Well, not exactly. The Arrow is a relevant audio interface because of it's portability... So, it's important for the hardware to be consistent. It's not. I bought the highest quality Thunderbolt 3 cable I could find and it still cuts out. I've tried more than 5 different cables but the device has intermittent shutdowns and glitches. This may be a driver issue or a converter issue, the fact of the matter is... It's not consistent. I would love to give the Arrow 5 stars for the quality (sonically) because that is premium, however the hardware is made to breakdown unexpectedly. 3 out of 5 stars.


February 23, 2018

Great device - Terrible Windows drivers

As long as the Arrow is a blast and Unison is a lifesaver, Universal Audio's (terrible) WDM drivers rendered it pretty much useless for me. As stated from their support team, "we don't officially test or support using it with WDM applications". 3 stars is it, then!

g. curry

February 21, 2018

oops! apple bit me. my bad!

Lots of love here for UAD hardware and plugs. Having a rack of Apollo gear (Quad, Octo, 16) had me yearning for a truly portable solution with my MacBook Pro, that is, bus-powered interface rather than a lump or wart. Bought the Arrow and then found out there is no Thunderbolt 3 adapter work around to connect to my mid-2015 MBP. Not planning on spending $2-3k for a new 'puter. Back to thinking about the Twin.......


February 21, 2018

Awesome sound and quality

A great intro into the UA world. It’s portable and light. You are up and running in no time. Comes with some great plug ins to get you started.

P. Henderson

February 18, 2018

Arrow For Dummies ,,, How About It, Tom Waterman?

There is a great passage in “Mixing With Your Mind”, a book written by Michael Stavrou, a guy who worked at EMI studios in the 60’s under the general supervision of George Martin. He had always been puzzled at the age and seemingly dilapidated condition of the speakers they used. That perception was changed dramatically one day when he witnessed a sound engineer mixing sounds that came through those speakers to transform the studio into a an Aladdin’s cave of miraculous and beautiful music he had never before heard.

My guess is that they would have been at least some Universal Audio equipment in those studios costing thousands of dollars. But now, the new Arrow and its free on board software allows kids in their bedrooms anywhere in the world access to that equipment that costs thousands (if not tens of thousands) of dollars for a very affordable price.

The only problem is that those kids (and the more elderly) don’t have access to those guys who drew such wonderful music out of the old UA compressors, EQ’s and other complicated boxes of electrical components.

Take me.

I had been using an Audient converter with my Mac Book and Native Instruments Guitar Rig insert in Ableton. So when I cranked up my Arrow, I took out the Guitar Rig insert on the Ableton page and replaced it with the UA Marshall Classic Plexi insert … on the Ableton page. Well… that’s what I had always done, right? I then added the UA Marshall Classic Plexi insert to the UA console page. I kept getting a message about the DSP having been overloaded and disabled.

It took James and Chris, the guys at the Canberra Better Music store at which I had purchased the Arrow about ten minutes to diagnose the problem and explain how the console worked.

Maybe UA could get Tom Waterman, who has been doing the PR rounds, demonstrating the Arrow, to get involved in an “Arrow For Dummies” video series. The sounds he gets out Arrow and his guitar about nine and half minutes into the video at
were the main reason I decided to make the purchase. In that video he says he uses …
1. Marshall Plexi Classic
2. LA2A compressor
3. Pultec Pro EQ
4. 610 B used as a driver
5. Sending to a Precision Reflection Engine
6. Adverb reverb

Can we have a more detailed demo of exactly what he is doing, and why, on a AYouTube video?Ask Audio/Mac Pro Video would surely be interested in featuring him doing a course for new Arrow users.

R. Adams

February 17, 2018


this setup is becoming a nightmare..

J. Perez

February 17, 2018

mini Monster

Great Pre Amps, great converters, great plug ins, nice size, 100% portable, all in one box

l. woochul

February 17, 2018



s. fortin

February 16, 2018


I’m having a lot of problems with this interface

t. Wright

February 14, 2018

Arrow Review

some initial problems getting it to behave in a cascading setup but standalone it works great. having bus power is HUGE.

R. Palazzi

February 14, 2018


Sound great, amazing plugin, the solo Dsp to me looks like a 1,5 core.... Only problem the compatibility on windows with Sonarworks. But it's not their fault... I'm impressed, sound terrific... Well done again UAD. Just push Sonarworks stuff to fix that problem and will be 5 stars!!!

M. Kato

February 11, 2018

Amazing sound! In the studio and everywhere

I had an 8 channel interface but never recorded more than two tracks in the studio. Bought a 18 channel interface for my band’s live gigs and decided to scale down the studio and get a better sounding interface. The arrow is very practical eith only 1 cable, sounds amazing on my Equator monitors or driving my HD650. The unison technology is amazing, the amps sounds amazing (I’m selling my Atomic Amplifire) and they are very easy to use for practicing and playing along tracks. Unison pres do really give charachter to DI Bass and vocals. Impedance and gain staging on amps means that pedals works gracefully in front of the amp models. The processing power is enough to record through it using some unison models and for a reverb or two on a mix. Very sturdy and sleek looking, a perfect match for the space gray Macbook. Very happy with the purchase, it is way more than just a boring interface: an amazing tool and coolest guitar gadget ever - awesome guitar tones on the go!

O. Kyoung Seok

February 9, 2018



D. Corella

February 9, 2018


Got the Arrow to use as a low latency guitar interface for quickly sketching out ideas. The quality is amazing, it is built like a tank, and as for anyone who says that the UAD solo chip is pointless, well no, it's not if you're using it for printing on single take tracks, in fact it works very well for that.

401-420 of 422 Results