Brigade Chorus
Customer Reviews
Brigade Chorus
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E. Ruzavin
Very good instrument for sound design
The quality is great. I found that it works very well on some sounds.
But I am going to purchase Studio D Chorus also because in some cases it fits better. I think Studio D is more suitable for guitars.
They give different sound. It is worth to have both (if possible) and try one or another in every particular case.
C. Horsethief
Like all my UAD plugs this fits into the mix seamlessly. Simple and straightforward. It's always the last effect on my guitar channel strip.
N. Carnesi
Great chorus and vibe
Really a great chorus to use with any instrument and gently with the voice.
M. Daley
Exactly what you need!
U can use this on anything. Love the sound!!
M. Cartwright
great tone especially on synths.
I have been using this with my Moog little phatty and have been getting some good tones. makes me feel like I am making a Joy Division or Cure track. plan on using it for mostly lead stuff here and there but it definitely has that late 70's early 80's chorus warble. love it and its priced nicely. I liked its sound better than the dimension D.
J. Haas
Uaudio does it right
As with all uaudio products, this chorus pedal is second to none; unlimited variations in settings, superior sound quality, ease of use and no load on my CPU! Thanks for yet another great product
J. Baum
Simply incredible
Such an awesome pedal. Gives the guitar or keyboard or anything you use it on such an incredible tone. Awesome chorus pedal for a great price
S. Eugene
Love it
Thick and warm, lush sounding, completely indulgent purchase, I got pedals, but the presence of this is just great.
S. Eugene
Love it
Thick and warm, lush sounding, completely indulgent purchase, I got pedals, but the presence of this is just great.
t. therifftruckers
Fantastico !
h. YU
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코러스 플러그인을 여러개 가지고 있지만 이건 마치 마술상자 같습니다. 원하는 사운드를 그냥 만들어 줍니다. 다른 코러스 플러그인이 절대 흉내낼수 없는 효과 최고입니다.
D. Miniero
Chorus r us
Wonderful collection of presets
S. Jean-emmanuel
i love it!
perfect for my guitar Fx Chain
L. Herve
sounds very good but need MIDI
I love the sound of this plug with clean guitars, you're immediately transported into the 80's.
When pedals where created, the main interest was to keep the hands of the player for playing, and to use the feet for changing the sounds. This plug needs an update with MIDI mapping to able the footswitching of the bypass and the effect type.
A Dry/Wet pot should be a thing too.
h. YU
나는 빈티지 스럽고 아날로그 적인 사운드를 찾기 위해 정말 많은 노력을 해왔다.
이 플러그인을 알게되고, 내가 왜 좀더 빨리 데모를 써보지 않았을까? 생각했다.
패드, 신스, 기타, 베이스 모두 어울리고 모두 내가 원하는 굉장한 사운드를 들려준다.
최고다! 최고!
T. Stoddart
Great Substitute For Tracking With Chorus Pedals
I find this is a a great substitute for tracking guitar with chorus (which I find tends to sound small and confined when recorded through a pedal into a mic'd amp). It does everything from wet 80s chorus to 90s Nirvana-esque grunge chorus, although I wish the vibrato and chorus could be used simultaneously instead of as an either-or thing. Overall, a good plugin and it should take care of most if not all of your guitar chorus needs
R. Corrales
Love the warmth
Easy to use. Simple controls and awesome sound
F. Messié
Great vintage effect.
A great plugin for guitarists and bassists who need warmth vintage chorus and vibrato.
B. Lam
It is really amazing.
It's just like the real one.
If UAD can add a dry/wet control on this plugin, it will be perfect.
J. Holt
If you can have only one chorus....
This is it. It can do subtle to lush, without garbling the signal. To me, that's essential, and difficult to achieve with most of the others I have used. It's always my first choice.