Capitol Chambers
Customer Reviews
Capitol Chambers
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J. Roecker
Adds girth...
Great verb for adding body to a sound! Have been using it to add body then send it through another verb for the long tails. Great plugin!
l. wilson
As the owner owner of Quad 2 ultimate this is my go to plugin
R. Polson-Lahache
Best digital reverb out there thus far!
This is my fav reverb hands down. Lot’s o’ vibe and you can add eqs and compressors on its bus for extra colour. Been wanting to have access to this kind of a sound.
P. Conrad
Best echo/reverb yet
This is by far my favorite echo/reverb plugin now. The sound is just natural and awesome. You gotta demo this plug-in but beware!! You will want it.
F. Schoffelen
Perry Hotter and The Chambers of Reverbness
I use altiverb, chroma verb,FabFilter Pro-R, Ocean way and EMT 140 a lot. These Capitol Chamber reverb-instances are well balanced and bring almost any solo voice or instrument to life. I have tested acoustic guitar and vocals extensively and am very impressed with the EASE of dialling in the Goodness. There is a Putnam chamber on altiverb as well that I can get close to this...but only close. Chamber 4 from Al is a go-to. It is somehow related to how original signal and reverb signal are mixed together again that brings an extra sauce compared to others. Love it.
S. Herceg
Reverberation perfected
This is a stroke of genius! Never have I heard a reverb so pleasing and musical. Currently, it's the pinnacle of realistic reverb plugins! Its beauty lies in its simplicity. There are no 100 parameters to control for every little detail because there's no reason to include them. The reverb sits so well in the mix that, more often than not, you only have to alter the mix percentage, room number and the mic type and distance. I can't praise it enough!
J. Muren
I use this on almost everything
S. Chahley
What can be said about this that hasn't already???
Possibly the most magical reverb plugin on the market. That is all...
J. Leyva
Big Band Heaven!!!!!!
I was skeptical about this plug in..let's face it capital records is capital records!
I do alot of big band and large orchestral recording, so I was eager to hear see what it could do. I tracked a big band and ran the whole ensemble through Al Schmitt's "The one" setting. WOW!!! I played it side by side with the "original capital recording" There was very little difference. Even the slap was the same!
I have to say the guys at UA have outdone themselves
K. Gilroy
Just down load and smile. Yes it's a DSP Lion, but....You can print and blend the level in the mix. This is so amazing. NOTHING sounds like this. BEAUTIFUL - LOVELY - SMOOTH The King of the Must Have. Thank You! - Gilroy
5 more Stars
I wrote a review earlier this month about the greatness of this plugin. After working with this plugin more I had to write another review. This thing is seriously, seriously amazing. On Violin it is absolutely insane. I put it on Keyscape pianos!!! WOW!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!! I have made up my mind. When ever UAD releases a reverb emulation of hardware, Chambers, or plates, I am absolutely purchasing them. This plugin seems to be more than a plugin. It’s literal chambers in ur DAW!! My My My. Do yourself a favor and get this thing.
P. Paslack
Capitol Chambers
This Reverb is very natural sounding and fits very well on every Instrument and Voice !
Like to put it on the Mixbuss with very good results ! I like it very much !
A. Burroughs
YES!!!!! Now THIS is what reverb should sound like!!!
I own 136 UAD plug-ins. If I had to choose one to keep and let the rest go, this would be the one that I would keep. Smooth as a baby’s....
There no words to describe the Absolute Beauty
very beautiful Chamber 4
J. Russell
This has got to be the smoothest Reverb I’ve heard. UA have taken it to a whole new level with this one.
T. Blake
Very cool vibe....
Lot's of use so far. Loving the short room tones you can get with dialling distance and length back......and you can automate the pre-delay to get some mild pitch modulation!
T. Pierson
The reverb in my head
This sounds like the reverb I picture in my mind, no matter the setting. Stunning. Pretty high dsp so it usually is my only verb on.
D. Ho
Al Schmitt Chamber 4
Capitol Chambers is the main reverb on my upcoming album of traditional music from Suzhou, China. Al Schmitt's signature Chamber 4 gives the Pingtan and Kunqu vocals a surreal and spiritual presence. This is my new go-to reverb for vocals!
J. Jordan
Not sure of authenticity...but vibe is amazing
I’ve never recorded at Capital, but this plugin is now part of my template. I do wish I had waited to pull the trigger and taken advantage of the $50 discount...but it’s still worth it.
This won’t be one of those “plugs you own but never use” deals.