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Regular Price: $299.00


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Customer Reviews

Classic FX Bundle

Overall Rating

1241-1260 of 1473 Results

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August 15, 2017

So many creative options

When I map hardware controls to the parameters of the Galaxy Tape Echo, it's like having one in my studio. Except that because it's a plugin, I can have as many as my DSP will allow! Fantastic.

J. Arnold

August 15, 2017

Authentic Recreation

This is an extremely accurate recreation with both the character and limitations of the original. Not as flexible or as 'out there' as some other tape echo plugins around but does it's thing with an analog vibe and the usual UAD quality. If you want an authentic Space Echo effect then this is the closest to the original hardware, with it's limitations.

C. Horsethief

August 12, 2017


Like all my UAD plugs this fits into the mix seamlessly. Simple and straightforward. It's always the last effect on my guitar channel strip.

N. Carnesi

August 10, 2017

Great chorus and vibe

Really a great chorus to use with any instrument and gently with the voice.

J. W

August 8, 2017


Good feedback good reverb! In general outstanding!

M. Daley

August 4, 2017

Exactly what you need!

U can use this on anything. Love the sound!!

M. Cartwright

August 3, 2017

great tone especially on synths.

I have been using this with my Moog little phatty and have been getting some good tones. makes me feel like I am making a Joy Division or Cure track. plan on using it for mostly lead stuff here and there but it definitely has that late 70's early 80's chorus warble. love it and its priced nicely. I liked its sound better than the dimension D.

J. Haas

July 31, 2017

Uaudio does it right

As with all uaudio products, this chorus pedal is second to none; unlimited variations in settings, superior sound quality, ease of use and no load on my CPU! Thanks for yet another great product

J. Baum

July 30, 2017

Simply incredible

Such an awesome pedal. Gives the guitar or keyboard or anything you use it on such an incredible tone. Awesome chorus pedal for a great price

C. Horwood

July 28, 2017

Galaxy tape echo review

I love this plugin, user friendly control panel and the sound quality is great!
Makes me feel like Im twisting analogue knobs which is a nice change deep in the plugin world.
Galaxy tape echo plays a important roll in my mixes!!
Thanks universal audio

E. Sokolowski

July 27, 2017

A Classic

Unparalleled for what it does on vocals/bass/synths.

E. Sokolowski

July 27, 2017

A classic

A lot of plugins will offer 201 style delay behaviours, but the beauty of the unit is in the features that are available to you. A must have classic effect!

S. Eugene

July 18, 2017

Love it

Thick and warm, lush sounding, completely indulgent purchase, I got pedals, but the presence of this is just great.

S. Eugene

July 18, 2017

Love it

Thick and warm, lush sounding, completely indulgent purchase, I got pedals, but the presence of this is just great.

J. Mage

July 14, 2017

No, you can't do this with something else

I tried. For (demo) weeks I tried to match the subtlety and depth of this plugin on an acoustic guitar and a background vocal, using fabfilter, waves, and native logic plugs. The other plugs sounded good but this did what I needed to in the mix; added a little animation and width without sounding like "chorus".

M. Ferreira

July 13, 2017

Instant lush chorus.

So easy and amazing results.
I use it on a vocals and acoustic and lead guitars.
A must have, love it.

t. therifftruckers

July 10, 2017

Fantastico !


h. YU

July 9, 2017

정말 최고 입니다.

코러스 플러그인을 여러개 가지고 있지만 이건 마치 마술상자 같습니다. 원하는 사운드를 그냥 만들어 줍니다. 다른 코러스 플러그인이 절대 흉내낼수 없는 효과 최고입니다.

D. Miniero

July 8, 2017

Chorus r us

Wonderful collection of presets

m. hardy

June 30, 2017


This plugin reeks amazing

1241-1260 of 1473 Results