Classic FX Bundle
Customer Reviews
Classic FX Bundle
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My new favorite Chorus!!
Simple and effective. I've been using this just straight up on vocals, or busses to add a bit of depth to guitars. I don't know what Studio D originally sounds, like, but I know that I'll be using this chorus for the rest of my life!
A. Kuehne
studio D chorus
Best for vocals with nice stereo width. Sounds so nice! That is what I'm searching for.
k. z
Great sound and very useful.
S. Savacool
My favorite UAD Plugin!
I don't have every UAD plugin, but I have a few, and this one is hands down my favorite. Right up there with the API Vision Channel Strip and the SSL G Comp. I use this plugin for so many different things. I like it on the drum bus to give it that reverbed out, slappy sound like you hear on all the hip indy records these days. I like to do some cool echo/reverb stereo panning with it on vocals. I like to make acoustic guitars sound kind of weird. It is a really cool thing to add to just about anything, really. It doesn't hog a bunch of DSP, so you can use it for mild echo and a little bit of saturation on a dry track. The controls are very simple and easy to grasp. Once you dive in, the possibilities are pretty much endless. Thanks, UA for making my favorite flavor of plugin!
I. Lombardo
Great plug
Great plug, I have the hardware too and it's very similar. The only one thing that could be different, is the maximum delay time...in a plug this could easy be more than 1s in time.
C. Konrad
A Useful Tool
A very useful and fun tool to have on hand. I find myself using it a lot on electric guitars to play up certain parts of the song.
Be warned: You can waste hours and hours just toying around with this plug-in. Too much fun
c. imgeun
still a go-to
the original Space Echo plugin is one of the reasons I got into UAD...as soon as I tried it I sold my Boss Space Echo pedal. it has THAT sound, which doesn't work on everything but when it does there is no substitute.
j. murawski
D chorus
D the only chorus you will ever need. from rock, on to 80disco, to today's EDM,100% true to hardware Again UAD did the homework perfectly 5 stars
내가 아는 그 소리를 내준다
기타랑 보컬에 걸어보고는 아 내가 아는 그 소리다 오예 라고 했다. 완성하려던 음악의 컨셉에 아주 큰 도움을 주었다
K. Fathi
Galaxy Tape Echo
Best tape echo ever!!!
D. Baskerville
Used to use the real pedal. Great replication without the noise. Love it:)
j. elliott
even though this is based on a somewhat long in the tooth emu...
i still love it and use it constantly! does something special, that my other space echo plugs don't quite match up with. give it a whirl.
B. Bell
This is THE Chorus effect for your bass
I have tried several things to enhance my bass sounds. Then I purchased this plugin because it was a thing of folklore. Now I see why...it is amazing. It never seems to step on the mid signal's toes. All it does is add glorious width and movement to the bass without the added mud that can cloud up other things in the mix. It is one of my favorite plugins.
U. Friedrich
Studio D Chorus
Real nice Chorussound
U. Friedrich
Studio D Chorus
The real chorus-sound, nice
l. crosby
It Just Works !
tried messing with some other delays by other software manufacturers and this just has a sense of space about it that i couldn't instantly get from some others ,no messing about ,time saver
l. crosby
It Just Works !
tried messing with some other delays by other software manufacturers and this just has a sense of space about it that i couldn't instantly get from some others ,no messing about ,time saver
s. fridburg
Studio D Chorus
I use it for bass and vocals in the mix, and get very good results!
s. fridburg
Galaxy Tape Echo
For many and in many cases I use this plugin