Classic FX Bundle
Customer Reviews
Classic FX Bundle
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s. crew
The Non-Chorus 'Chorus' Effect Everyone Wants Is Back !
We use to use this hardware in the studio to widen the sound and get that depth without hearing a typical 'chorus' sound !
UAD did a great job nailing this. I'm using it on an Arp'd bell track now and it adds that 'Dimension D' signature thickness without a typical chorus tone !
Fabulous indeed !
s. lowery
Smooth as butter
Always loved the hardware version and this is as good! So smooth and wide!! Great on vocals, strings & guitars! Quit reading this review and just buy it.
O. Knight
Still so good!
This has made its way in to most mixes I have done for years now. Brilliant at what it does.
Studio D / Dimension D
Look, I don't know why UAD stopped working with Roland, but what is sure is that UAD changed the name of the plugin and kept the same product.
Those are emulations made by UAD years ago, and they had the name of Roland...
What I mean is that UAD Studio D = Roland Dimension D, The emulation that UAD made for Roland...
Same For UAD Galaxy Tape Echo = Roland RE-201 Space Echo
Same For UAD Brigade CHorus = Roland BOSS CE-1
I would really like to know why they stopped the partnership with Roland...
P. Marriott
Another Great Fuggin' Plugin!!!
When I bought my Apollo 8 with the Quad Satellite and Twin Duo I was bummed out that missed my chance to buy the Roland Space Echo. Especially since I've been longing to obtain that particular plugin for awhile. But then comes along the Galaxy Tape Echo, which not only sounds exactly like the Space Echo, but behaves like it too! I ran a side by side test using my new Galaxy and the demo of the Roland version and they are exactly the same which is what I was hoping for. Now I'll be able to recreate those classic dub reggae effects in my mixes with that classic Roland sound. Thank you Universal Audio for another great fuggin' plugin!!!
k. dunn
Bought these immediately
Missed the Roland bundle, which was one of the reasons I bought apollos. No other chorus sounded as good. To say I was bummed that they were discontinued and I missed out is an understatement! Thanks for listening to your pleading customers to do UAD versions.
M. Clay
Bless The UAD♫
❤ This Galaxy!
I am gobsmacked at your kindness. I NEED the Roland. Please keep supporting it. I make DUB and it is integral to my sound and there is nothing else on the market quite like it.
The GALAXY is wonderful. I am enjoying it as much if not more than the Roland. It is fitting the DUB REGGAE amazingly. I have already made a Dub Track with it. So guys if you make Dub and you are looking for a vintage high quality delay this will work just fine.
I owe you one for this UAD. You sure know how to treat your customers well. It is no surprise your company is excelling. Thanks.
R. Rodriguez
what is the difference between this and the Space Echo plugin??
T. McKinnon
Thank You Universal Audio!!!
When you guys did not renew your license with Roland...I saw the rumbles in blogs and articles and just a few days ago begin to rethink my investment. I am commented to UA both hardware and software and plan to stay the course with this company and their superior products. Anyway I love the 201 and now that you have put out your own I love your version. And the fact that you support the Roland version and gave customers who paid for the 201 the Galaxy let me know that you do care about us!
Also it sounds amazing thanks again!!!!!
H. Barnard
5 Stars
Extremely useful all the way around – works great on almost everything!
H. Barnard
5 Stars
A must have for guitarists and bassists. Sounds and plays just like a vintage pedal... fantastic plug-in.
H. Barnard
5 Stars
Great sounding effect, but also very useful for creative sound design... awesome!
H. Barnard
Sounds awesome! Perfect for adding stereo width.