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Regular Price: $299.00


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Customer Reviews

Classic FX Bundle

Overall Rating

1281-1300 of 1473 Results

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A. Rucker

April 29, 2017

Simple and sounds great!!!

Easy to use, one of my new favorite plugins

M. L

April 17, 2017


This one is a must have

C. Hazel

April 17, 2017

Depth and Width

This plugin is just special. I love using it on lead vocals (sometimes background vocals too). Whenever I want the lead vocals to have a little more depth/or width in the mix I just put this thing on a bus and send a little bit of the lead vocals through it. Great job UAD!

R. Corrales

April 8, 2017

Love the warmth

Easy to use. Simple controls and awesome sound

F. Messié

April 8, 2017

Great vintage effect.

A great plugin for guitarists and bassists who need warmth vintage chorus and vibrato.

D. Klee

April 3, 2017


Best emulation i have ever used thanks UAD

D. Jehle

March 30, 2017

Like they say in the ad

Its more stereo enhancer than a chorus. But it is a chorus. Make stereo tracks from mono input, maybe (half stereo; too much makes it a chorus.) well..listen and use it yourself, subtle but powerful. Its good!

B. Lam

March 28, 2017

It is really amazing.

It's just like the real one.
If UAD can add a dry/wet control on this plugin, it will be perfect.

J. Holt

March 18, 2017

If you can have only one chorus....

This is it. It can do subtle to lush, without garbling the signal. To me, that's essential, and difficult to achieve with most of the others I have used. It's always my first choice.

L. Franchi

March 16, 2017

I love this plugin

I love this plugin, I use it in all my productions, I also owned the real machine but now I prefer the versatility of the product and when I also need a clone pedal

G. Moretti

March 15, 2017

Deep and effective

I needed a deep chorus for my production, and this one was just the absolute solution. All the others clearly weren't as good as they seemed when this plug in showed up.

R. Nagy

March 12, 2017

Excellent vibrato

I think this is an excellent choice for pianos, guitars, wurli... and for clear synths.
Minimal DSP use, very smooth sound. Very useful plugin. Great job!

M. Park

February 18, 2017

I honestly didn't expect much

I basically bought this plugin because I had a couple of coupons and could get it cheap. I didn't even try the demo, I figured it would just be another decent option. But I was pleasantly surprised at how great it sounds. Regardless of how "authentic" it is, it sounds great on just about everything. My other plugin options include Sound Toys, Waves, etc. but it's hard to beat this UAD Brigade Chorus. On a clean mic'd amp track it's amazing with an LA-2A before it in the chain. Highly recommended!

C. Hazel

February 18, 2017

Width and depth type of plugin

The Studio D Chorus is excellent for adding depth and width to vocals. All you need to do is put in on a bus and just send a little bit of the lead/backup vocals to is and you will hear the difference. This has definitely helped me to make lead vocals sound more upfront and a bit wider. Of course you mix to taste.

G. Hassenrück

February 12, 2017

My one and only Studio Chorus

I dont know the original Chorus - but ist must be good Chorus - it sounds so and its from UAD!

Göran Hassenrück


February 11, 2017

Not the best.

Hard to place it in one of my mix But I had a coupon :-)....

K. Sluiter

February 9, 2017

sounds like my chorus ensemble pedal

What a useful plug in! This sounds just like my old Roland chorus ensemble pedal. Perhaps better! This plug in has become a "go-to" effect. Thanks, UA!

R. Jacobi

February 9, 2017

Beautiful, Wide and Lush Chorus

The Dimension D adds a beautiful and lush chorus to pretty much any source material. The processor is great for subtly widening and thickening lead vocal tracks or to add a rich and wide layer to background vocals. The similarities to the Roland Dimension D are obvious, not just visually but also sonically. No matter under what name and brand this processor is listed it remains a super useful tool in a mixer's arsenal.

T. Veranta

January 29, 2017

Great plug in

Sounds perfect on sent channel together with the UAD reverb + moog filter.

M. Schaak

January 25, 2017

Studio D Chorus

The best Chorus plugin in a new outfit. Eminently suitable for all tracks and instruments as well for vocals and backing vocals. Movement and vibe to get and keep excitement.

1281-1300 of 1473 Results