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Regular Price: $299.00


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Customer Reviews

Classic FX Bundle

Overall Rating

721-740 of 1472 Results

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L. Weisz

February 17, 2020


Jó kis effekt!

B. Kyu

February 16, 2020

Brigade Chorus Pedal

Good sound of chorus essence.
Recommended if you want to try different things.

G. Radelmacher

February 12, 2020

Roland Dimension D

habe ich in meinem Studio. Das UAD Plug Studio D klingt tatsächlich 1:1
Nur weniger Grundrauschen. Hervorragend!

S. Ritnant

February 12, 2020



S. Ritnant

February 12, 2020



G. Williams

February 8, 2020

Brigade Chorus

It’s a great new tool for me to add a certain flavor to tracks that’s a uniquely musical sound when dialed in.

J. Slavin

February 8, 2020

Does what is says it does

Nice, warm, and surprisingly versatile

R. Bruno

February 7, 2020


Just plain cool

C. Davies

February 7, 2020

Brigade chorus

It is a sublime chorus and something about the sound makes me want to play the riff from Stevie ray Vaughan Cold Shot every time I load it up
I highly recommend to anyone
Thanks UA

C. Lee

February 4, 2020

What happens to UA?

UA use to be a great company and they still build good equipment and plug-ins but they have ZERO respect for their customers now and offer NO customer service. Their current Customer Service manager is not there to assist with issues but instead he is there to lose customers. I was planning to upgrade my Apollo to the latest version this year and to add some more plug-ins to my collection of over 100, but after seeing that UA no longer supports their customers I have decided to find a new system. Again UA still makes great products and plug-ins, but before deciding to jump to n to purchasing anything from them keep in mind that they offer ZERO customer service or support now.

N. Kwak

February 4, 2020


My favorite chorus,

a. kamal

January 29, 2020


OK, I been using my original CE 1 since decades. It is always in my audio path and I love its stereo enhancing broadening effect for clean guitars. I a/b‘d the Brigade Chorus with my CE 1. It is remarkably similiar, only the hiss and volume boost of the original is not „available“. Also using two Princetons with the original is an audio epiphany.

D. Castellanos

January 26, 2020

Surprisingly excellent for an external fx junkie

I usually always turn to outboard fx racks or guitar pedals for modulations and reverbs and was very surprised by how lush this plug in sounded..

J. Chatzis

January 25, 2020

Lush sounding chorus!

Very nice sounding chorus. I had a CE-1 back in the day, a classic. This sounds very close.

V. Konstantinovskii

January 24, 2020

Easy machine

The device is really nice. Sounds interesting and warm. I would recommend it.

W. Talen

January 24, 2020

Brigade Chorus pedal

Nice sounding chorus. Very nice addition to my jazz guitar sound.

J. Jönsson

January 22, 2020


It's a great tool! Love what it does..

c. olivares

January 22, 2020

Brigade chorus pedal

Suena precioso

a. lindsey

January 21, 2020

Classic FX bundle

Really like the Galaxy Echo it is a surprisingly strong plug. The Studio D has a great stereo spread to it.

Z. Wells

January 20, 2020

Excellent Chorus Sounds

Since I would not been able to afford the original unit when it came out, I feel fortunate to even have any access. This plugin sounds great.

721-740 of 1472 Results