Empirical Labs® EL8 Distressor
Customer Reviews
Empirical Labs EL8 Distressor Compressor
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m. costermans
Oh the distressor
Doesn't matter what u want to record, put the distressor on it and u will get great results... It's really an amazing plug-in...
M. Schultz
The most musical compressor I’ve ever used in the box! It’s just as easy to use as the original and is literally the reason I bought a Satellite Thunderbolt 3! Works perfectly in Logic Catalina
N. Nodurft
Favorite All Around Comp
I've been using the slate distressor for a couple years and something about it just seemed flat to me. I got this on a sale and haven't looked back. So much depth and vibe. I love it in parallel on drum bus, and it slays on anything you track through it. I keep it on vocals after my sphere l22 and Putnum mic models while tracking through my apollo on the way in and it sounds so good. Even better than my old Manley Ref into a Kush Tweaker. Can't recommend enough and I've officially now sold all of my analog gear.
P. Haas
Great emulation of studio classics
Sounds very well for everything, not just vocals, bass, drums ...
I like it and use it very often. Good job.
P. Haas
Great emulation of studio classics
Sounds very well for everything, not just vocals, bass, drums ...
I like it and use it very often. Good job.
M. Bastiansen
Best comp by far to add fireworks to any layer .. drums, vocs, bass, leads, stand-alone piano!! Love it!
p. graves
It’s $119
It’s the best money you’re gonna spend on this platform- period
G. Scharmer
Not the Real Deal gut a nice Compressor
The highend does sound a little bit cheaper than the hardware but overall it's working pretty well
H. Holzheu
Since I have this Compressor, it is always in my mix.
I. Sencan
Most favorite now!
After i bought this, i became a big fan of it.
J. Hammond
Perfect and Versatile.
Extremely useful and like the original. Pretty decent on DSP as well. If you have the cash just get it.
E. McClure
My favorite UAD plugin!!!
I was blown away after demoing this plugin. It’s like a warm blanket wrapping around anything it touches. Sounds great on anything, especially vocals. I just can’t believe how close it is to the actual hardware. It not only sounds fantastic, you can also emulate pretty much any style compressor on the market. Probably the most versatile compressor ever made.
A. Kouvatsis
It’s not another compressor plugin! It’s like the hardware! I love it!
T. Sales
Distressor Compressor Addressor!
Fat - Quick - Sparkly
Bass - Drums - Vocals ...and anything else that you can think of
T. Alfred
This plugin sounds 95%of the hardware unit..I can hardly tell the difference
F. Lubrano
Very good !! Great
s. simmonds
Empirical labs
Good as
J. Rubio Almanza
Empirical Labs EL8 Distressor Compressor
Probably one of the best compressors in the worild. I find the sound quality for this pluging simply fantastic. Very useful the posibilities on ratio selection to be very accurate.
G. Nikolay
I Love
My favourite
J. Steffen
Absolutely FANTASTIC!!!
I’ve always heard people rant and rave about these things, but I never had a chance to use one. So I stated the 14 day demo to try it on some vocals for a track I was mixing. I put it on the vocals, set it to “nuke”, adjusted the threshold, attack, and release. Uses the hp filter for the detector section and the hp filter plus setting 2 for the harmonics and wow it simply blew me away on the girls vocals. They really popped out of the mix. And that harmonic setting 2 really helped her consonants come out clearer. After that I tried it on the drum bus and again it was perfect. My go to compressor for vocals and drums has always been the 1176. Not anymore. This thing really is amazing. It is in my opinion the end all be all of compressor for the mix stage. It’s fantastic on EVERYTHING. You simply cannot go wrong purchasing the Distressor. Just buy, you’ll be really happy you did. I’m completely thrilled with it. I think it may be the best purchase I’ve made all year. On a side note the Vertigo VSM-3 on the vocal chain right before the Distressor with some high boost really made her vocals perfectly sit in the mix. Mind completely blown. Those two together are perfect for vocals.