Teletronix® LA-2A Classic Leveler Collection
Customer Reviews
Teletronix® LA-2A Leveler Collection
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B. Tonak
Love the silver
Love the faster time constants on the silver. I use it a lot on vocals and other sources. The mkii collection adds some nice extra special magic on crucial tracks over the original la2a.
J. Newton
Makes a classic more versatile
An improved model of the harmonic character of a studio classic. The different versions offer different time constants for a bit of fine tuning for any particular source.
The emphasis screw is a great addition to tailoring the plugin to a stubborn sound.
I actually like the smaller GUI from the legacy versions, since they take up less screen space and there's just no need to have them be this big; it's not like it's actual hardware that needs room for transformers and tubes. but that's not a big deal.
D. Zannoni
Great and Artistic
I like the color a of these three plugs
I like to try different compression levels and different sounds
Good for vocal, for bass and snare !
Great Job !
D. Caro
LA-2A collection
Excellent variety of classic 2A's. Loving all three
R. Maloney
Good stuff ! Close to the real thing! Great on vocals and bass
S. Smersh
Better than Waves
Great sounding plugs. Had to knock one star off cause every instance of any of these versions eats up roughly 10% of UAD processing of my Apollo Twin Duo. Means I can't have too many of them up at the same time. Highly recommend getting a quad or octo if you plan on using these across multiple tracks.
A. Shaw
Very different from legacy plugin
I ve been using the legacy plug for a while and got pretty comfortable with it. I recently purchased this new one and I using sparing because it sounds very different. I like it but need to continue to experiment to truly figure out which one suits my need more.
R. Österlund
Referring to LA-2A Grey
It adds nice treble somewhere along the way so I find it useful on soft voices that needs a bit high end. I believe acoustic guitars could benefit from it as well.
A. Ali
Took a while to convince me but..
It took me a while to be completely convinced it was worth the money. The deal breaker for me was stacking it against the 1176 so that they were both compressing just a little bit. I managed to get consistently good results on vocals and guitars before I decided it was worth the purchase.
All being said it's a compressor of which there are thousands out there, if you like the sound of it and find it relatively easy to use (I imagine you will say yes to both of those), then by all means it's a product for you :)
S. Foley
Best sounding LA2A out there
If you know what an LA2A sounds like, then you will enjoy using these. Each of the 3 versions are useful in their own way, and it doesn't take long to get used to what each one sounds like and chose the one that works best for your application.
Why 4 instead of 5: DSP use is high. I consult a company that makes plugins, and have done beta testing with SSL and Slate Digital, so although I am not an expert, I am familiar with the process of designing and making a plugin. Also, it shouldn't be hard to switch between the 3 versions within the plugin instead of having to reload each one. A-Bing means loading 3 instances (one of each) and bypassing. Not end of the world, but could be more efficient.
M. Smith
Good, not great
This is a really good upgrade to the UAD 1 version. I find myself using it less often though. I can't tell if it's the love affair I'm having with the newer 1176 revision or I'm just not that bowled over by this one!
On vocals and acoustic guitar (if I want "that" sound) it's really good, but when I need gooey color I'll find myself using the new Fairchild more often.
I also think all these "revisions" should have been free for the users that actually bought the original version (maybe not the folks who got it for free though?)! Considering this is my 3rd UAD device (2 previous ones discontinued), I've invested quite a bit into the company! Funny they decided to give 1/2 of the 610 plug for free to Apollo users. Kinda weird!
S. Warfield
Just got my Apollo Twin Duo recently. This thing uses a ton of resources compared to the legacy version. Beware.
B. Grotto
LA2A collection
I'm probably one of the only recordists/mixers on the planet who doesn't think the LA2A is amongst the greatest compressors ever. I've just never been taken with them. This collection does a very fine job of capturing the various units' characters (although, I've never used an original LA2 so I can't speak with authority on that particular box), and makes short work of bass and vocal compression. Fun tip: a buddy of mine suggested I try it out on drum buss, and I was very pleasantly surprised. Give it a shot some time.
H. Zhang
Very nice plugin
Very good plug-in
Can almost more than any imitation LA2A plugin,
Sound is very full, injected with Analog to color
Especially low-frequency elastic, is unable to find the other plug-ins.
I use the OS 10.8.5 ProTools10
E. Pouliot
great upgrade
This new la2a makes me think that we are now very, very, very, close to the analog sound with these plugins!
A. Carozzo
good upgrade
I was using the legacy la2a; I can definitely tell that the sound quality of this release is far superior; the compression curves are more usable; and the three different versions has their own use. Tried them on bass and voice and wow, that sound that i was searchin for...there is some creaminess that the legacy was lacking; and at estreme settings they are very usable; more 3D sounding even slamming at -20db...good job
M. Panagaris
Definitely worth the upgrade from the original and having 3 models to choose from is an added bonus.
X. Marques
Analog goodness!
I'm really happy with my new LA-2's! The warmth in the sound is second to none!
Even if you just use it for its gain, it adds something to the sound that glues it in the mix.
R. Andersen
Possibly the best analog sound?
Been a pleasure experiencing the remodelling of the collection. It has provided great warmth to my mixes and been used in every mix application. It's a little taxing on the UAD, but just need more power!
P. Effamy
Work well.
After the awful compressors Logic has to offer, these actually do their job well. Can be quite un-noticeable when doing their job which is pretty impressive. Some colour towards brightness a fair bit, for us the basic LA-2A was the most transparent.