UA 175B & 176 Tube Compressor Collection
Customer Reviews
UA 175B & 176 Tube Compressor Collection
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C. Knox
At Last!
Finally...and with this update and download UAD get it right for the customer as well! props UA...now damn..the..torpedoes!
S. Smith
From clean to warm to crunchy--but always sweet!
Responds to everything the way you'd expect the hardware to do. Depending on headroom and gain staging, you get tone that goes from clean to warm to crunchy, but always sounds sweet! Hard to make it sound bad. The compression aspect leans to the soft side on the 175, and at 2:1 on the 176, so don't be afraid to see it moving the GR meter a lot! Besides with the MIX knob, you can cheat some original dynamics back in. This is in a very sweet spot in the UA line-up in terms of usefulness and aesthetics.
D. Doobay
Just when you thought you had it ALL covered ..... Surprise !
There is a reason why I own almost the entire collection of UA plugins.... then the originators of WARMTH release yet another amazing product that will find itself existing on every major recording for many years to come irrespective of genre...Get your wallets out £ $ etc
m. linett
The wait is over !
Been waiting for UAD models of the 175b and 176 compressors, and now they are finally here. Congratulations to UA for making these classic units available at last
G. Benson
Big thanks to UA for (finally!) bringing these golden units to the people... Seriously can't wait to put this vintage warmth and color on ALL of my tracks!