Universal Audio WebZine
Volume 3, Number 5, July 2005
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Promotion Extended!
UAD-1 Project-Pak Promo

Expires September 30th 2005
Any customer buying and registering a UAD-1 Project Pak between April 1st and September 30th 2005 will get a FREE LA-2A Compressor plug-in authorization, downloadable at my.uaudio.com

Free LA-2A plug-in with Project PAK

No forms to fill, no receipts to send. Just buy your UAD-1 from your favorite UA dealer, register your card online with UA at my.uaudio.com and download your FREE LA-2A authorization - a $149 value!

No subsitutions or exchanges on the free LA-2A plug-in. The promotion is as is, and ends September 30th 2005.

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