Apollo Solo USB
Customer Reviews
Apollo Solo USB
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G. Valiakos
This is the absolute perfect interface for professional studio or home ...
a. rivera
buena interfas
100 de 100
S. Anttila
Apollo Solo - one chip wonder
If you record through the Console and commit with LA-2 and guitar amps etc. It can be rewarding. It teaches you to mix with its limitation. For me the limitation has actually been a good thing! If you’re a punk rocker like me, the Fender 55 Tweed, Ampeg, Marshall amp and Teletronix compressors are all you need. Precision delay to the vocals, maybe Realverb Pro to the bus for drums and guitars and you’re almost ready. Some mastering plugin for the master fader. I’ve released 70 songs in two years and surprisingly I don’t even know if I need more, especially when I use the Console and Unison amps. The amp plugins are better than my real amps! Which is ridiculous! Apollo Solo is like the Fender Blues Jr. of recording interfaces. Punk rockers don’t need any more than this. That’s what I think.
A. Romanyuta
Apollo solo usb - 5 star !
I read a lot of negative reviews, but gave this little guy a chance. I don’t regret the purchase, in my opinion, I got even more than I expected! For a month of use, I did not notice any disadvantages in the work. After SSL+, I was pleasantly pleased with the capabilities of this device! The only negative is that the kit does not include a USB 3.0 cable.
Apollo Solo USB for windows, I definitely recommend buying it!
Best in class!
E. Rei
As advertised!
This is a great little unit to get you going in the UA plug-ins! The installation was a breeze. It integrated with my software automatically. The UA Connect software is mostly self explanatory and easy to work with.
The converters just plain sound killer! I came from an Apogee Rosetta, so big shoes needed to be filled. I actually prefer the smooth character of the Apollo's D/A converters (and really, the DA converter is EVERYTHING when trying to discern how stuff sounds! ).
The control surface is straight ahead. No surprises in using it.
So we have this great little box, and on top of that, you can run the premium UA plugins on it! This box compliments the excellent sounding plugins.
I will probably upgrade to a Apollo Quad within a year as I can see quickly that I will want to run MANY more instances of the Apollo plugins. But, for the work I am doing now, this box is rocking my world, and I intend to stick with the Apollo series. I just don't see how any other company can compete!
Thank you UA for making my work far more fun to do!
v. romero
Amazing audio box i love it
Its powerfull and smooth to work all i one pluggings are great the only thing autotune was free and now no more thats sad i didnt't get it
S. Mitchinson
Absolutely Top Drawer
This device works like a dream, sounds amazing and the plugins are out of this world. Only gripe I have is that it wasn't clear that the USB cable was NOT included. Nevertheless, great audio interface. I would highly recommend it.
V. Pampagnin
Very nice interface
Top in the class AD/DA converters and preamp, they can drive the HD 6XX without any problems and are comparably with my “old” Topping dedicated device (A50s + D50s + P50), very clear mic preamp and unique unison feature is the best things of this audio interface.
Works fine on my windows pc without any problems
K. lopez
Great product
Loving it so far
t. holmes
A great interface
This interface is very well designed with everything you could need for small production needs and it’s a bonus that it comes with the plugins bundle BUT despite using an expensive Mac Studio in my set up it used to get hot when running their plugins UNTIL UA introduced their native plugins. Now you can use the computers CPU to run them as everyone else does so the problem is no longer there. Fact is, when you buy an item like this you need a computer that’s fast enough with plenty of storage and that’s capable of running new plugins. This product isn’t really entry level and went moves very fast and older computers simply won’t be able to cut it. This interface has a noticeably improved sound quality over say cheaper and comparable focusrite products but you will need high quality headphones and monitors to hear the difference between them. In summary if you own a decent computer and want a professional interface that’s intuitive to use and comes with some quality plugins then this is for you but if your computer is older and already starting to run slow then it may not be an option
D. Rodríguez
Buen producto
Muy satisfecho con la calidad de sonido y los plugins que vienen con la interfaz
E. Fellah
tres polyvalente
la carte son est tres petite , mais elle peut tout faire , on peut facilement enregistre les tracks d'une table de mixage , le petit + les preamps et comp en unison, avec leurs reglage filter, pad et, dephase, directement intégré à la carte son, et donc dans un effet analogique sur ces parametres la , en plus de l'unison qui reproduit fidelement l'analog des tranches,
le petit - , un seul processeur sharc , c'est un peu limité, 3 ou 4 plugins un peu costaud , et le proc est full, et pas possibilité de switch sur le proc du pc sans passer par uad spark et les algo native (ou j'ai pas trouvé)
non tres bonne
Dubbytek / Subatonik
D. Bernhardt
Sehr guter Klang, DSP zu klein
Sehr guter Klang. Der DSP-Speicher ist leider sehr klein. Die beim Kauf des Apollo mit erworbenen UAD-2 Plug-Ins können daher kaum genutzt werden.
D. Trauffer
im really happy with my apollo solo the sound is insane!
D. Santiago
From another galaxy
It's been more than 10 years producing trance and almost without physical tools. The truth is that I can't be happier with the acquisition. It's crazy how it sounds
Y. Kim
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A. Phi
conversion is useless
i had the thunder bolt version of the apollo solo and it was so unreliable on windows but had amazing conversion it was so easy to make recording fit in the mix so i got the usb version then realised that the conversion is so bad sounds so unnatural compared to the tb version but it is reliable idk if its a driver issue but im very disappointed ended up spending £840 and still not satisfied I DO NOT RECOMEND PLEASE DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR AND DO NOT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE I DID
M. Dellit
Unison u bet!
I find it so easy to use. What a game changer having world class plugs to record through on the way in!
P. Capasso
Paolo C.
Cavo usb, non fornito, i plugin offerti con la scheda audio, erano già in mio possesso, senza la possibilità di sceglierne altri, la configurazione su PC con Windows 11 è andata a buon fine, mentre su Mac non ci sono riuscito.
G. Czakó
The audio quality is decent enough. The quality of the interface is good, except the Big Knob. There is no USB cable in the box for the USB version. And it's really sensitive about that, so I had to try like 15 cables before it didn't say that I don't have 3.0 SS port. So big minus for that. The one dsp core that I didn't really wanted to use anyway is just laying there using 20% with nothing loaded on to it. I don't understand the purpose of this device in the scene. Atleast it's working. I would love to change that one dsp core to an ADAT io.