FATSO™ Jr. / Sr. Tape Sim. & Compressor
Customer Reviews
FATSO™ Jr./Sr. Tape Sim. & Compressor
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F. Carcone
One of the best
Just one of my top plugins, a secret weapon, great sounding machine.
Incredible on guitars, vocals, harsh effects, drums, I love it !
Please UA, come up with an MK2 version soon !!!
R. Gun
Makes a fat in your face compression sound. May the new distressor plugin is similar but different.
The transformer option does make a special distortion on demand.
The Sr. variant with its sidechain filter and additional times is the killer, helps a lot.
L. Fernandez
Como todo lo que hace universal audio genial. Muy contento con este plugins.
M. Svendsen
Very unique
I have a few other great tape simulators but the FATSO do something none of the others do. Pushing it to the limit the distortion and crunchy sound it adds to drum busses or bass is quite amazing.
N. Smith
It is what it is
This thing does exactly what is was designed to do. I use it fortracking, i slap it on any vst synth that i have in my mix, Instantly makes things warmer and smoother. Very versatile plug. I use it every day, every mix. Can't lose.
D. Jackson
I love you FATSO
D. Causey
Fatso is Great
Sounds FANTASTIC! Easy to use and comes with helpful presets to get you familiar with what it can do. Sounds great on electric guitars, vocals, bass guitar and drums. Very nice.
A. Pinto
I liked it a lot, I recommend it
T. Ellis
Like Nothing Else.
I've got many tape modeling, saturation and compressor plugins but the FATSO has something unique I just love on drums and guitars, adding a character I can't get any other way. I can see why the hardware is so popular.
Doeant worknon everything but when itbworks its great!
C. Howat
Love This Thing
I really like this tape simulator more than the actual tape machine models I've used. Maybe it's because it's less subtle and I actually hear it doing something noticeable to the sound compared to other plugs. The compressor is really cool, too. Similar to Distressor but with less controls (unless you use the Sr. version). I hope they do a mkII version of this and include the UBK Fatso from Kush Audio!
p. larkin
Spot on
I’ve owned multiple hardware Fatso units and this plugin sounds so much like the hardware I don’t want for the original unit anymore. Calibrating the hardware could be a challenge sometimes, while tthe plugin sounds great and is seamless to use on stereo sources. The Sr. version of the plugin offers more flexibility over the hardware without an eq/gain stage in the sidechain; it’s already there in the plugin. Good work!
N. Sharif
UAD are the best! Period
Great plug in! Adds a nice color to the mix.
J. Oliveira
Very useful for Drum Buss
Very Flexible but it´s not sounding so much analog
K. Stoopid
Can't tell if I like it or love it, but the coloration is amazing!!!
B. Mckenzie
Amazing tool for saturation, compression and subtle distortion. 5/5.
V. German
Very good compressor
An excellent compressor, sounds very bold. Well suited to the bus for Drums
C. Kaliampakas
The weirdest dream..
Just try it on Snare Drums, Drum bus or even on your masters!
M. Dallarmi
This plugin is very similar to the hardware. I have both!.
Fantastic for coloring and warmming your mix or stem.
y. kim
my best plugin