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Customer Reviews

Lexicon 224 Digital Reverb

Overall Rating

841-860 of 876 Results

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A. Thiele

November 23, 2012

Best Gear

I was short with money but after starting the demo I had to buy the Lexicon 224 plugin. I compared it to other great sounding native plugins. In my opionion the UAD plugin is the best sounding reverb plugin available. I cannot live without it anymore. I especially like the 'default' program. It makes lead vocals pop out of the mix.

G. Dershin

November 21, 2012

Lexicon 224 Plug-In

Loving it. Amazing depth and clarity. Wish I'd picked this up years ago!

D. Legendre

November 14, 2012

Finally a good ITB reverb!

It's been a long time since i've heard that 224 reverb.
The first time I demoed the 224, I was stunned, I closed my eyes and practically could feel the remote of the real unit, like in the old days. So I bought it right away!
I also bought the SSL E Channel last week... finally a good plugin that sounds like the real beast! Nothing else come close as the UAD version.
Now I need to replace my DUO with an OCTO card. ;-)
Thanks UA!

P. Larose

November 14, 2012

The most important

It's kind of tuff to evaluate this reverb family as incredible is the original one.
Actually, the space is quiet beautiful and never kill the specter of the original sound.
There is really a big difference in front of any impulse response you could find.
The texture of this reverb is warm and rich , I love it. Hope and the same for the other UA pluggs some free great preset updates to come.

P. Datz

November 14, 2012

Good Sound but no German Manual

Very good Sound, but it would be perfect in handling for me with a GERMAN Manual. Please tell me how to get this.

S. Lewin

November 11, 2012

The mighty Lexicon 224

The Lexicon 224 Digital Reverb, now, as you did it and made the magic available on you UAD-2 Platforms, is a must have in my opinion. It offers a depth and in the same time a transparency, which i never found in any other reverb plugin.

M. Schäfer

November 9, 2012

Lexicon 224

I remember the unaffortable Hardware 224 in the 90`s.
now It is great to have it and the sound is amazing
if you don`t have it - go and get it. :-)

J. Aossey

November 5, 2012

Top Shelf Lush

It has an amazingly warm and lush characteristic that works so well on just about anything that I run through it. It SOUNDS expensive and that's key for what I'm looking for in a reverb. It is now my "go to" reverb baby!!

S. Overland

November 4, 2012


A classic gorgeously recreated
Beautiful sounds
The halls are especially nice

D. Mazurek

November 4, 2012

A classic for a reason.

Reverb as an effect is back!! When that's what you want and need, this is it. Keep your convolution verbs for "reality" but this is what I was missing from plugin verbs.

D. Dipietro

October 31, 2012

Versatile reverb

Haven't used the real deal in 20 years but no matter, it's a darn good sounding reverb regardless of what the logo is or how close it is the the original.

S. Hlavsa

October 27, 2012

Lexicon 224

Classic Lexicon sound with smooth tail. This plugin is fantastic.

L. Iliopoulos

October 26, 2012

Lexicon® 224 Digital Reverb Plug-In

What can you say for this legendary reverb? I could write for hours but the truth is that you need to hear it your self to believe it! Is just unbelievable! Thumbs up to UA for this one!

A. Anyn

October 24, 2012

Lexicon® 224

Magnificent instrument! Great sound regardless of the setup mode. Using it is not long, but already managed to "fall in love" in this sound. Thank you for the UA for pleasure to have this device and use it on my PC.

J. Carlo

October 18, 2012

Truly Beautiful

I cant begin to express just how beautiful this reverb is.

Years ago, I owned a Lexicon LXP-5 which was my dedicate reverb processor for quite some time. The cool thing about this little unit was that although known more for its modulation-effects, it did come with a reverb setting allowing users to set incredibly long decay times, making for some really dreamy and spacious reverb. The results, even for 12bit hardware, were simply beautiful.

I've always remembered "that" sound and have searched a long time to find a reverb plugin that could come close or even better to it. So when the Lexi224 debuted, I was hopeful and after demo'ing it, it was clear my was search over.

This is easily the best reverb plugin I have ever used. Thanks UAD.

H. Henning

October 17, 2012

best reverb ever

The best Reverb-Plugin I ever had on my PC.

I guess it uses the original algorithms.

M. Sloggett

October 16, 2012

Lexi 224 Verb

The reverb sits very nicely on instruments and vocals.
Warm and Dark when needed,
Lush,clean and believable,this Reverb is a winner and is my new goto.
Thanks UA !

S. Oneill

October 15, 2012

Studio Owner & Producer

The Lexicon 224 is absolutely unbelievable!! This i my go to reverb. It sounds like it did when I was doing analog recordings. Nice job UA!

B. Warner

October 14, 2012

Excellent emulation!

I'e always loved the 224 in the studio and this plug in is a very faithful emulation of the real thing. Now I have my own Lexicon 224 for a fraction of the cost of the original unit.

G. Beattie

October 12, 2012

Happy Ears Indeed !

Happy Ears Indeed !
Great Reverb Plugin / has that Lexicon Space I have missed since leaving hardware land. At first I had issues with this plugin rendering 100 wet regardless of settings. UA Support was fantastic (thanks guys) and the supplied patch took care of that situation. For the price point you definitely won’t be disappointed !

841-860 of 876 Results