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Exclusively for UAD and LUNA Recording System

Regular Price: $449.00


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Customer Reviews

Magnetic Tape Bundle

Overall Rating

1761-1780 of 2072 Results

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J. Duff

March 11, 2014

Ampex ATR - 102

By far the best plug in I've ever used, this beauty is perfect for smoothing out and bringing character and life from your mixes. Also great on pretty much everything from horns to vocals, you won't regret buying this one....

M. Grojean

March 9, 2014

Essential element of my mixes!

I love the fact that I can put this on my tracks and dial in each instrument differently, in real life I would need many tape machines and lots of tape. This plugin sounds amazing and reduces the need for as much eq'ing. Definitely speeds up my workflow and helps me achieve "that sound". Simply beautiful and very necessary.

J. H

March 8, 2014

Works as advertised!

Yep. This mastering tape recorder is almost always on my master buss. I love what it adds, whether its subtle or gritty. Works as advertised! Pair it with the Shadow Hills comp and you're almost there.

J. H

March 8, 2014

Lives on my master buss

Yep. This mastering tape recorder is almost always on my master buss. I love what it adds, whether its subtle or gritty. Works as advertised! Pair it with the Shadow Hills comp and you're almost there.

J. H

March 8, 2014

Nice, smooth tape vibe!

I love this plug! Everything from hifi tape warmth to beat up cassette static are available. There are some really neat slapback delay sounds as well. Works wonders on everything you put through it, drums, guitars, keys, vocs etc... it really warms things up when working in the box, especially on digital sources. I've spent a little time on a real Studer tape machine, and allthough its not spot on, it really is as good of a tape emulation you will ever find.

J. Winkel

March 8, 2014

Analog digitally (is possible)

This plugin brings the analog sound experience into the digital domain!! Love the quality and the presets are perfect 2 start with.

I use the Ampex in combination with Precision Multiband Plug-In and the Precision Maximizer on the Apollo Twin Dual in the live set up. In this way my output is ready 2 go!! A soundcheck is only a matter of gain in the FOH console.

In the studio I use the Ampex on the input channel recording analog instruments.

Easy 2 use and awesome result!

S. Cavalieri

March 7, 2014


Having tried most of the tape simulators Texas I can truly affirm that this to your 800 you made by Claudia it's completely amazing congratulations one more time for at Universal audio

J. Grasty

March 4, 2014

I have no idea what I'm doing and it still sounds great.

The title says it all. I am still getting used to the Ampex, especially since I have never used a "real" one. Even without a lack of knowledge, the effect on the sound is great. It has made some of the mixes come to life.

J. Grasty

March 4, 2014

I have no idea what I'm doing and it still sounds great.

The title says it all. I am still getting used to the Ampex, especially since I have never used a "real" one. Even without a lack of knowledge, the effect on the sound is great. It has made some of the mixes come to life.

J. Hiltz

February 26, 2014

Awesome Tape sim

This is a great plugin tape emulator. It can add a nice hifi warmth like a high end tape machine, or a nasty, distorted cassette type sound, and lots in between. It livens up drums nicely for me, and also works on guitars and the 2 buss when working with certain types of music.

S. Lechner

February 20, 2014

Great Tool!

I used the demo in different cases like to give some color on the master of a view tracks, to thicken up some tracks in the mix and to ad distortion and artefacts to special instruments to sound like an old tape.
This all worked great and so i decided to by this plugin.
I think all UAD Plugins are a little expansive, but they are one of the best i've ever seen!
Buy it and go tapy!

E. Gonzales

February 20, 2014

I would have paid $1000 for this plug's that good!

This plug in is hands down the best thing that has ever happened to me. A must have for guys trying to master at home. It literally saved several tired mixes I had given up on bringing life, warmth and clarity to otherwise dead mixes. I never thought I would say there is one plug in that can save any mix but this one defys everything I know about digital and home recording. That old expression, "You can't polish a turd?" Well this plug in can. Very musical. Universal Audio has changed my entire perspective and approch to recording and this plug in is the flag ship that transforms your recordings to music. For the first time in my life, I'm smiling at the finished mixes I'm able to put out now.

B. Offermann

February 19, 2014

faster get master

compared to an analog tape recorder we used for the last years, ampex atr-102 accelerates the entire process without audible differences, unless one would be looking for worse analog depending results. I like best the broader tapes and higher speeds. Be careful with calibrating the machine, it easily can sound worse than auto cal. All in all a highly recommendable plug-in to be used at the end of a prod. chain, maybe before final master eq-ing, multiband compression and limiting.

M. Marantz

February 18, 2014

Ampex - Mastering Machine

The Ampex ATR-102 plugin from UA totally rocks. I am primarily an acoustic jazz artist and produce my own recordings. Obviously there's been a lot of great jazz recorded to tape. This plugin captures warmth and glue all in one place, and there is a huge range of sonic enhancement that can be applied. In short, after I demoed this plugin, I had to buy it because it just brings your acoustic mixes together and unifies the timbres of all the instruments in your tunes. The punch and saturation that are added to your mix are subtle and authentic sounding. I don't think I'd want to master records without this plugin anymore. Also, it can function as a sweet tape delay. I can't say enough about this piece of digital gear. Thanks UA!

V. Kristek

February 14, 2014

Give me Time

givem e some time to make deeper exp with my new Ampex ATR 102 plugin. V

P. Anderson

February 12, 2014


The presets make it easy. Just pick one by the title that seems appropriate, fiddle with it a little, and enjoy the results. You can really hear the difference when you turn the knobs and try different settings. Very cool!

F. Maliseno

February 3, 2014


i put it in all drum and synth tracks before all processing - but it works very well also with the bass tracks - great analog deep sound!!!!

A. Hillman

February 3, 2014

Musical Lube

I'd heard an awful lot about this plug in, and had experience using a competitors vintage tape emulation, but holy c$@p, this one sounds just like the real thing, i use this more a s a natural compression...

However it does seem to make strings (samples i.e. Kirk Hunter, vsl etc) sound a bit artificial, takes away too many transients.

Worth purchasing if you want to add warmth to tracks, as individual inserts on each track, or over busses to glue everything together

C. King

January 31, 2014

A 10!

Knocked out of the park UA - the plug is mojo of all mojo. This raised the bar of my mixes thanks.

M. Mcnair

January 28, 2014


Really love having a digital plugin that breaths such warm, musical dynamics into my tracks. I've been using the Studer A800 along with the Shadow hills compressor and the Pulptec pro on my master, and I'm just blown away by the sound. These really are fantastic plugins. There are a few more plugins here that I really want but can't afford right now, but I'll be back UA. for sure.

1761-1780 of 2072 Results