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Regular Price: $499.00


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Customer Reviews

Manley Complete Bundle

Overall Rating

1441-1460 of 1800 Results

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R. Webb

November 28, 2016

UAD Has Done It Again!!!

This Channel Strip is just an absolute pleasure to use. The UAD team has proved it again. Once you figure out how to use plugin you'll never be disappointed. This is just an Amazing Channel Strip.

Keep up the excellent work guys!!!


November 27, 2016

This plugin really grows on me

Still have not had a chance to use this with unison to record with, but I've already thrown it on the lead vocal on most of my mixes and I love what it does. Especially if you drive up the gain to the point where you get a touch of saturation.

M. Davis

November 24, 2016

Very impressive!

I've used the hardware version for quite sometime. This plugin does an incredible job of capturing the tube saturation and realism of the original unit. Incredible for adding life back into a busy/congested mix. Incredible job UA!

M. Davis

November 24, 2016


The preamp sounds incredible. So smooth and creamy, really adds character. Great presets as well - I'm never a huge fan of presets because I end up tweaking them a ton anyone. But the presets the VoxBox comes with are usable, and are great if im looking for a quick solution. Great job UA.

T. Camp

November 23, 2016

Sounds Amazing

No matter what I do, this makes my vocal sound very forward and present. I was not a fan of the compressor section as much so I turned that off and just touched my CL1B. Paired with my Blue Dragonfly microphone in a dead room I got fantastic results.


November 22, 2016

Great ~!!

Everything I thought it would be!

D. Giraud

November 21, 2016

Un chanel strip complet

C'est avec une grande simplicité qu'on peut dessiner les caractéristiques d'une voix, d'une guitare, d'une basse, ...Ceci avec les caractéristiques Manley. Ce plug me sert de base au studio ( pour définir une orientation esthétique, pour sélectionner une couleur, pour aplliquer un traitement de channel-strip avec la douceur et le caractère Manley.

L. Chard-Maple

November 21, 2016

Great Plug

This plugin is very versatile and not just suited to vocals at all. I absolutely love smashing drums rooms with the limiter section on here. The EQ is very natural sounding and the frequencies are very carefully selected. The compressor is fantastic and useful in a variety of situations. The fact that this plugin is unison enabled too is a fantastic bonus but even used as an insert it has a lot of scope.

A. Kamel

November 20, 2016

Voxbox, un bon complément au 1073

J'ai acheter le Manley Voxbox car ayant acquis le preamp Neve 1073, je souhaitais avoir une autre couleur pour mes prise voix.
Le Voxbox est assez neutre avec des réglages raisonnables, passer les 50 dB, la couleur du preamp devient plus marquer mais toujours plus subtile que le 1073, disons avec plus de douceur et un caractère moins nerveux.
Je trouve que c'est un bon complément au Neve 1073, offrant un caractère complémentaire, qui plus est avec une partie compresseur, DeEsser et EQ qui permet d'affiné les réglages sans l'utilisation d'autres Plugs in.

D. Holden

November 19, 2016


this is all you need for vocals ..

E. Kocol

November 18, 2016

A Vox Box For All Seasons

I love how this is bith subtle but in your face at the same time.

R. Jacobi

November 18, 2016

Swiss Knife and Coloration Tool

The Manley VOXBOX really shines on vocal sources. With subtle settings the plugin adds a beautiful finishing touch and a certain analog vibe. The preamp is beautiful and adds an interesting character and tone. The plugin offers some nice options for coloration. The quality of the harmonic distortion might not suit any source, but where it does, it adds a unique set of sonic qualities. As with the hardware version, the VOXBOX is a character box. You either like what it does and it suits your recording and mixing style or not. I love the grit it can add to sources and I really like what it does in terms of coloration on the master buss. This thing suits my style and I like that!

J. Fanus

November 15, 2016

Let your recordings land on the strip

This just works, it brings quality to recordings and when cranked can really make your sounds edgy and alive.

P. Jonsson

November 14, 2016

Super Fly

Love this EQ - special for getting that fat bottom end on your final mix and perfecting the midrange. Super Fly

M. Jago

November 14, 2016


Best way I've found for getting vocals & bass into DAW through Apollo. De-esser is great on vocals.

A. Lee

November 11, 2016

The best

Not only amazingly smooth and silky, but tightens and pulls a mix together, simply by being on the mixbus


November 10, 2016

One choice

i made the right choice... one purchase - one preamp - Manley VOXBOX... its an eq , comp desser.... n sounds fantastic.....

A. Adedwuon

November 7, 2016

Did not work sound good to my ears

I tried this plug in several different setting on vocals (both tracking and in post) and I just could not get it to behave or sound right. At descent settings, it was muddying/smearing the input vocals in a way that I can not call good. I do not know what the original hardware sounds or behaves like but, if it's the same way this plug is behaving, then this is not a tool I can use for any real work. The Legacy Compressors lilke the 1176 is arguably the most realistic comp from UAD. It seems others have something about them that makes you wonder if these myriad of emulations really make any sense.

D. Whittington

November 4, 2016

Massive Passive pleasures

There isn't much to say aside from go and download this unit, throw it on the master strip after your compressor somewhere and start cutting and adding frequencies until you smile! This adds enough color to my track to keep me happy. I use this with Brainworx V3 so V3 cuts, cleans and adds all the goodness. They work great as a team for measuring and coloring my track.

Cheers Universal Audio ! Just love what you guys have done.

N. Ben Shabat

November 3, 2016

very nice eq but !

the EQ is super nice
love the curves and eq freq
the sound is to mild for my taste
but it's a great eq ! love the parallel eq

and it's great that you get Mastering version as well !

1441-1460 of 1800 Results