Apollo 8
Customer Reviews
Apollo 8
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G. Harte
Very nice device!
I've been away from UA for a couple of years (since Apple stopped the express-interface in their laptops and my UAD Solo Laptop became useless). But, now back into the game with the Apollo 8 and the free satellite. So far I have been very impressed with the workflow and stability of the Apollo and the Console 2 application. It is just more fun mixing and tracking. The sound quality is very good altough it does not feel like a big difference/upgrade compared to my Steinberg UR824 interface (I did not A/B them). The addition of being able to use UAD plugins during tracking, unison preamps and knowing that I have loads of additional processing power makes the investment more then worthy.
s. house
Love UA stuff since 2000!! So this was one of my best Investments this year!!
P. Hird
My Second Apollo
Need I say more?
10 out of 5. Even better than the original!
New console app rocks too. I love that you can easily pull up presets inside the plug in window now.
D. Dolnick
Apollo 8 Quad
I have been using UAD2 plugins with two PCIe cards for the past two years and love the sound. I wanted to add more input channels and have heard great reviews of the new Apollo 8 A/D and D/A converters, they were really solid and online with the quality of Burl Audio another great industry player. with the added enticement of a free quad satellite unit made this purchase a no brainer.
Since installing, I have to say the audio quality is everything I expected and it is blessedly silent. I did purchase the 1073 plugin which I did not previously own, and it is fantastic as well.
To the fine folks at Universal Audio,
you guys and gals are doing some excellent work, keep it up
N. Nowottny
excellent interface
Great interface. Love the 2 headphone amps and high z inputs. the unison works a treat. i think ua's plugins have gone from very good to extremely good. tracking with plugins works out extremely well.
I. Papagiannidis
best sounding interface!
I ve already own a silver Quad Apollo, but Apollo 8 is much more improved and sounds perfect! much more possibilities and the new Apollo console is much more versatile !it's a serious upgrade! you feel ,you hear the upgrade in all levels from monitoring to conversion
a big thanks to UAD family! keep up the good work!
John Jeff Touch
rock singer/producer/vocal coach
J. Ivarsson Björklund
Apollo 8 duo
Coming from Apogee my expectations were very high but I could't be more happy about the switch to Apollo. Only had it for a couple of weeks but it feels rock solid.
The plugin quality is the new standard. I've worked with several of the most popular plugins but this is another league.
Highly recommended!
h. jinho
I got the apollo8 Qurd + uad2 Qurd
It's cool for my little studio.recording, mix, wow! nice sound and easy to use.
I think.. UA system is the best of my music works.
h. jinho
it's good for my ilttle studio
nice and nice sound.Awesome! unison system and apollo console.
P. Braux
Nice upgrade from Apollo duo firewire
Nice upgrade from Apollo duo firewire, the Apollo8 is a perfect tool for AD/DA.
I'm really happy with this product, as usual with Universal Audio
M. Narain
Apollo 8
Simply, this interface coupled with all u can do with the plug-ins is worth every penny...
H. Farnese
Hi, I was skeptical about this upgrade from my previous generation Quad but as soon as I played back some familiar audio I heard the difference in the converters. Nice one UA, now cheaper plugs in the UK shop please. Too expensive!!
E. Aho
Converters not great
At first blush I mistook the brightness of the unit for detail. Unfortunately, the highs and the high-mids are actually pretty smeared. It's hard to hear "through" the unit especially if you are used to dedicated, good, mid-level converters (Apogee, Lynx). In addition, everything below 120z is small and tight and not necessarily accurate, musical nor fun to listen to. Reminds me of the old Motu interfaces: prosumer, studio-project-ish, waiting to be upgraded. In short, I was ready to make the leap but was ultimately disappointed. That combined with the $115 I paid UPS to ship the unit back to Sweetwater left a sour taste in my mouth.
R. Comitz
holy shit
whoa, what an upgrade from the digi 002. glad i can finally throw that thing in the trash. thanks UA! best products + best customer service as well!
B. Abrahami
Great product, great plugins, my sound has been improving everyday thanks to Universal Audio. It's just fantastic !
A. Karasev
Works good. STABILITY.
Its a thousand times better then my previous M-audio ProFire610. And one of the most important reasons is stability. I really can rely on it in any situation. There is no more sudden desynchronizations, reboots, disappearing of sound etc. It just works as it should. As if I took off the handcuffs. No more fear of crash in huge overloaded projects.
And of course it sounds better.
V. Kourkoutas
I am absolutely impressed by the build and sound quality of this piece of gear!! Everything works great, and sound quality is from a another planet. I had an Apogee Ensemble which was also great, but the AD/DA conversion is milliseconds together with the emulations offer a heads up in every aspect. From guitar playing at home, tracking or mixing, you name it, Apollo 8 is THE interface to go.
V. Salvaggio
Happiness is an Apollo
This interface was everything I dreamed of and more! I also own an apogee duet 2 and I don't want to use the apogee anymore. The Apollo has changed everything in my studio for the better, I am finally drowning in recording gigs the interface is already paying for itself! Buy one of these and thank me
An Excellent! Upgrade..!
I have a Metric Halo, and thinking for an upgrade to my personal studio, I took advance of the UAD promotion and get an Apollo 8 Duo (+ waiting for UA Satellite Quad promotion ;). Well, I'm not yet in my studio to compare with the Halo, but I already noticed the deference plus the awsome DSP plugins.
Happy to join the UA!
X. Chen
I love it!!!! Looks like a beast and works like a beast too! Best gear I ever got this year!!