Capitol Chambers
Customer Reviews
Capitol Chambers
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L. Motta
This is good!!
Very nice sounding, I left a 3 star review before but that wasn't fair because I haven't tested it out extensively, now that I have used more and I'm loving it, itI'll give a 4.5 now.. only not giving a 5 because it would be nice if they show the ms values and the decay time so you could lock in the time perfectly, on the other hand, that makes you use more your ears and adjust accordingly which is how those vintage gear were meant to be use.
J. Kelly
This is for Al!
In loving memory of Al Schmidt. This chamber beats them all!
M. Gomez
Sweet Tone
A very lush sounding chamber reverb, there's a subtlety about this reverb that makes it different from other chamber reverbs, it gives vocals a very sweet tone.
D. Vazquez
Great chamber!
Brings life to everything, use it a lot on vocals! A must have!
P. Nguyen
Love its sound
Cannot imagine I'm able to bring this reverb with me everywhere. It's just impossible to make good music at home without plugins like this.
R. Thygesen
The One I Have Been Looking For
Great addition to my plug-ins. Wanted a reverb that could be warm, sweet and natural, like what you used to get when recording in good analog studios. Capital Chambers delivers this while giving you great flexibility in finding the sound you want. Very easy to use as well.
A. Navarro
Sonido de reverberación antológico
Todos tenemos esa reverberación metidas en la cabeza. Tantas y tantas maravillosas canciones han pasado por aquí.
C. Panetta
few sound better
This reverb adds space, tone and dimension in an unobstructed manner. You can make it discrete or obvious in your mix. Fantastic. I got two for 99, this was the extra with the Hitsville verb at first. Quickly becoming my favourite verb plug. I have both EMTs, the 224, Hitsville, Pure Plate and Capitol. Capitol is getting the nod very often combine with one of the other for many mixes.
r. diaz
Rafael diaz
Simple I like this company plugins comfiable .
r. diaz
Rafael diaz
Simple I like this company plugins comfiable .
K. Gulbrandsen
Great plugin
The Chambers sounds great! Even love the little detail that the door open and closes when you adjust the distance on the microphones. :)
J. Barry
Surf Sound defined!
I love reverbs and this one has a lot of East-Coast MOJO. They accurately captured the sound of SURF. It sounds amazing on guitar and vocals. It's not a verb I would use for every day use, unless that was surf music, but it has a wonderful color about it that was immediately recognizable to my ears. I really like it!
d. vats
Now I have the all-time favourite chambers of capital studios
Capital chambers are now my go-to reverb chambers for vocals
n. else
Capitol Chambers
Haven't had a lot of experience with the particular plugin, but always admired from afar. Excellent as always from UAD
N. Crouch
UA always knocks it out of the park and this is no exception.
Been having fun playing with Beach Boys and Beck sounding vocals.
Made some home recorded drums sound HUGE.
Beautiful touch to pedal steel, violin and saxophone so far.
One that is more DSP heavy than others, so you can’t have a bunch on at once in a mix, but you can print and act accordingly.
T. Murphy
Best chambers plugin I've used
I have always been a syickler for finding the right effects units and sticking with them. But when I got the Capital Chambers, my AR chambers , H-verb and others aren't being used any longer This one plugin has replaced my mainstays . Phenomenal sound and easy control. Thumbs up. Keep em coming
W. Lister
One of the best reverbs out there
Sounds amazing and flexible
L. Motta
Not very impressed
Wish they have included the decay time
L. Motta
Not very impressed
Wish they have included the decay time