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Regular Price: $149.00


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Customer Reviews

Precision De-Esser

Overall Rating

321-340 of 373 Results

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S. Rayeen

November 27, 2013

Best De-Esser Plugin

Its the best De-Esser Plugin i have ever used.
Very smooth. I love it.

M. Mathieson

November 13, 2013

Best De-Esser I've ever used

I didn't want to spend a hundred bucks on a De-esser as I was just going to continue pulling S's down manually. But this De-Esser is so easy and transparent I couldn't resist. Of all the other De-esser plugins I've tried, this is the only one I like and doesn't make the whole vocal sound compressed whenever a big "S" comes up.

M. Alton

October 28, 2013

Precision De Essser plug in

This plug in is working great for me
in my home studio environment !!!!!
In all my online reading it seems that folks with bigger budgets, have many brands of
De esser plug ins,
and choose whichever unit is working on thier particular problem.
I have a limited budget so .....
What has been working great for me.
is to sometimes use two instances of this plug in on a vocal track
with lots of sibilance problems.
First plug in I will set up a narrow band deeseer
Second instance of plug in can be a narrow or broadband as necessary

Ahhh that sounds better !!!!!!

G. Mckinney

September 27, 2013


The De-Esser is the sweetest De-Esser I've used. I originally purchased it because I needed something to buy with my $50 voucher and I didn't want to overshoot my budget considering I haven't used any of the plugs yet. This guy does the trick well. I set it to the sweet spot and it grabs the extra without being noticed in the mix. I've used it for a few other tricks as well. Like giving songs an "older" feel by pulling at some of the extra top end often rolls off of Reverbs and etc. I'm more than happy with this tool.

G. Turonis

September 23, 2013

Great sound

Great sound, easy to use, A very useful tool for both the vocal process and instrument tracks. Happy that I was able to purchase low cost.


J. Rivera

August 7, 2013

UAD Precision De-Esser

Great de-esser not as harsh sounding as others Ive tried. Very effective on vocals to calm sibilance without adding much coloration. Looking forward to demoing more UAD plugins!

M. Weiser

July 12, 2013

Outstanding and superb De-Esser

Excellent. Been using it for VO gigs, but would feel just as confident using it for music and lead vocals. Very natural, transparent and smooth.

M. Åkesson

July 11, 2013

Just a de esser..?

Let´s be honest, There are all kinds of De essers out there. Why buy this one?

Well.. Besides all the functions it has, it really sounds great!

It´s not just the S:es that is important, it´s what happens around the treated freq. The level of transparancy is just silly...

I use it on OH:s if I need to tame some cymbals, guitars same thing. You can really use it anywhere!

Buy it!

J. Cox

June 19, 2013

Works great!

Sonnox Surpressor takes up to much CPU and wigs out sometimes, this thing is precise and works great!

So I had an AKG c414XLII and It was really harsh with every pre i used it with at 3.7k... Now this is probably my room, I hallucinate that it is but It was very irritating.

This thing got rid of whatever that annoying harshness was at 3.7k and did a good job on S's too.

P. Favati

June 18, 2013

Precision De-Esser Plug-In

great Precision , designe excellent, stable, precise, the best product on the market, as always

L. Nadjiri

June 17, 2013

Great tool

For post editing as for live mixes this is a great tool. Working effectively without thinning out the sound. I really like it!

B. Lederer

June 15, 2013

Simply the Best!

Easy to use - great presets! Dial in and just use it! Probably the easiest, but best sounding software DeEsser available. Thanx UA - Great work!

C. Laurent

June 7, 2013

Complément indispensable !!!!

Excellent plug-in fait très bien sont travail, juste comme il faut il corrige tous ce qu'un de-esser doit faire...
Profitez des promos il en vaut la peine !!!, incontournable dans votre pack de Plug-ins...
Merci UAD, Thank UAD

C. Cardoso

April 18, 2013

One of the best De-Essers I've used

This is definitely one of my favorite de-essers, sounds very natural while doing what it was meant to do. It doesn't damage the source sound, however it's able to control the the S's in a very effective manner. It's now a must in my arsenal.

C. Rodriguez

April 17, 2013

Excelente suavizante de Sss

Excelente herramienta para suavizar el exceso de "eses" de voces muy sibilantes. Fácil de usar y muy configurable.

S. Constance

March 27, 2013

Dis is de esser

Really easy to use and such good results, excellent!

J. Kroehnert

March 23, 2013

Best Deesser so far.

I like it very much. In my opinion it is the best deesser that I know.

H. Williamson

March 22, 2013

Not just a De-esser

De-essing has been a part of my life for more than thirty years. I have cut more than 8000 12"acetates for almost everyone you'd care to mention and without that precious tool none of it would have gone into production. My first de-esser was the one that came with the Neumann VMS70 lathe, strong, silent, precise and - simple.

I quickly found that de-essing can be used for other things too. The basic principle of having a variable part of a signal compressed and limited independently of the rest is brilliant. These days I use it to sweeten a vocal track that might be a bit edgy when the voice is pushed or tired, to reduce the bite-through of a very variable instrument like trumpet or even sitar - there are no limits. I love this plugin.

P. Hird

February 27, 2013

Much more than just a vocal tool!!

UAs Precision De-Esser is a very versatile piece of gear.
Just for vocal sibilance?? On no!! Use it on harsh cymbals, horns, strident strings... Just to name a few.
Another very useful tool for my arsenal.
Thanks AGAIN UA!!

Paul Hird

F. Pico

February 14, 2013

sounds just open

I tried a few de-esser plug-ins and the precision, I don't know how to explain it, just sounds more open. I like the bandwidth knob.

321-340 of 373 Results