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Regular Price: $299.00


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Customer Reviews

SSL 4000 G Bus Compressor Collection

Overall Rating

361-380 of 411 Results

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B. Rico

July 1, 2017


What can I say other than this Compressor does what its supposed to do... and it does it very well!

W. Machado

June 29, 2017


This thing glues your sound so easily and it is very addictive. It is perfectly modeled by the UAD Team.

P. Jonsson

June 29, 2017

Happy days

Awesome for that final touch :D

M. Gooderson

June 29, 2017


I compared this new bus compressor to my API lunchbox SSL bus comp. I prefer the sound of the UAD.

Goodbye hardware hello plug in!

R. Manfredi

June 29, 2017


Sounds amazing and the mix knob comes in handy!

J. Roger

June 28, 2017


Great sounding piece. The wet/dry is perfect and the closest plug-in I've heard to analog. It's a noticeable improvement to there previous version. Whether it's worth the 150 to upgrade can be your call, but I felt it was after a demo.

L. Vermeir

June 26, 2017

easy and effective

Very easy to get good results with this one. Thanks UA for the update on this one!

f. sifontes

June 25, 2017

SSl 4000 !!!

the best !!

M. Smith

June 23, 2017

Once You Hear it, You Can't Not..

... Mix without it,
... Make music anymore without it.
... Get it
... Live happily ever without it.
If you like a more "Record" sound

M. Smith

June 23, 2017

Once You Hear it, You Can't Not..

... Mix without it,
... Make music anymore without it.
... Get it
... Live happily ever without it.
If you like a more "Record" sound

L. Alin Gabriel

June 20, 2017

Bundle good at everything

Basically you can throw everything at those compressors (legacy and second version) without any trouble. They will do their jobs.

j. janssen

June 19, 2017

Getting Better!

I demo'd this wonderful plugin recently against my Smart C1LA hardware compressor. The Smart C1LA is very similar to the actual SSL G-bus compressor. The plugin added excitement to the mix and sounded very open. When I switched to the C1LA, the same excitement was there only the hardware was definitely more open. The C1LA was patched into Cubase 9 Pro through SSL converters as an external plugin. I am very impressed with the UA SSL 4000 G Bus Compressor! It is very much spot on regarding the personality of the SSL 4000 style hardware units. Generally, I compress very lightly on the mix bus with a high threshold and 2:1 or 4:1 ratio with slow attack and a quick release, but obviously varies depending on program material. So for the comparison, I was sure to maintain as much openness as possible for both plugin and hardware by keeping the threshold to about 1-2 db reduction. the plugin and hardware VU Meters deflection were pretty close, only the UAD threshold slighly more deflected to match the hardware's affect on the material. I would highly recommend this plugin simply for the excitement it adds. By raising the threshold a bit on the UAD plugin, I still could not get the openness of the hardware. But think about it, one instance of a $1,800.00
outboard compressor vs many instances of the UAD plugin that is extremely close to the hardware is a win/win purchase! I'm buyin' today!

S. Hyvärinen

June 19, 2017

SSL omG Bus Compressor

I have the previous SSL G compressor which was my favorite UA plugin. But the new one sounds even better! The upgrade is totally worth it. The second reason for the upgrade was the new SC filter. I produce electronic music and this feature is crucial.

S. Friedrich

June 17, 2017

Love this glue

Simply perfect!

E. Maccoppi

June 17, 2017


Crystalline and intense, this is SSL 4000 G Bus Compressor!

E. Maccoppi

June 17, 2017


Crystalline and intense, this is SSL 4000 G Bus Compressor!

M. Diaz Velez

June 16, 2017

The power glue that you need on your mixes

SSL + UA = Instant rock and emotion. That´s all that I can say after wipe my tears using this beauty.

M. Diaz Velez

June 16, 2017

The power glue that you need on your mixes

SSL + UA = Instant rock and emotion. That´s all that I can say after wipe my tears using this beauty.

J. Russell

June 16, 2017

its on my 2 bus

I upgraded from the old model of the G Bus and so far I'm very impressed. I've got this built into my template now and so far i love it!

R. Beld

June 16, 2017

Perfect smack on mixbuss!

It's been a while since we used other SSl like buss compressors in our studio. But after demoing this beauty it was an instant buy. Beautiful on drum or masterbuss. Does that nice transient smack thing.

361-380 of 411 Results