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Regular Price: $599.00


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Customer Reviews

API Complete UAD Plug‑In Bundle

Overall Rating

1701-1720 of 2408 Results

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慎. 高山

August 24, 2017

Must buy

Everything must buy

S. Peppard

August 14, 2017

My API 3124+ is now for sale.

Seriously, this thing is that good. The Vision in conjunction with the Apollo gives me the same results I get with hardware. Now I've got this nice, rack mount unit I just occasionally turn on when I want to look at lights.

W. Plummer

August 9, 2017

Second comment

There are a great number of uses for the 2500. if you have two electric guitars in your song, patch the 2500 on both (one L and one R) and play with the link controls to get a natural, equal energy from both and keep the balance and punch intact. I never had the 2500 cause a loss of energy or vibe from a live performance no matter what application I use multiple hardware or UA versions on. The only time a 2500 let me down was the anemic Waves versions that I ditched in a matter of weeks.

E. Sokolowski

July 27, 2017

Amazing channelstrip.

First off, for the EQ section I have to say I much prefer the 550A plugin - its slightly more vintage sounding and feels like it has more weight compared to the channelstrip.

Where the channelstrip shines is on a unison input - having an API style preamp, filters, EQ, gate and compressor is fantastic. The compressor is simple yet versatile, the gate is aggressive and musical. The EQ offers many frequency bands and 4 filters and sounds solid, although if you're only fussed about the EQ section then I'd recommend the 500 series based plugins first.


July 27, 2017

Dead on Album sound!

Amazing. I have A LOT of compressors that claim to do that "master bus magic" but this one is the one IO have been searching for. The lower ratio and just a bit of needle movement is sonic bliss! Dan Swanö/Unisound


July 27, 2017

Dead on Album sound!

Amazing. I have A LOT of compressors that claim to do that "master bus magic" but this one is the one IO have been searching for. The lower ratio and just a bit of needle movement is sonic bliss! Dan Swanö/Unisound

K. Johannessen

July 20, 2017

Absolutely fantastic!!

The best EQ I ever tried -Seriously!

L. Jobst

July 17, 2017

great channel strip!!!

The gate it's just perfect! Try the modern kick of paterno preset! I love it!

M. Heisel

July 15, 2017


The API Vision Channel Strip just makes a lot of things sound better to my ears, with minimal effort. It's a great way to use the Unison technology (especially while recording vocals), and it also has very effective and sonically pleasing effects when used while mixing. What's not to like? (Price and Resource-hogging are the negatives I had read about before demoing Channel Strips, but I pretty much consider that the negative of any of these plugins.)
It has quickly become sort of the "Swiss Army Knife" of my collection of UAD plugins. If I really don't like the way something sounds, I'm confident that I can quickly make it sound better with this plugin. And instead of always piecing together a preamp, an eq, a compressor and more trying to emulate the signal chain of a great studio board for recording, I now start with this as the foundation.

J. Raper

July 13, 2017

Gotta work for it

This plugin in has a bit of a learning curve but once you get the settings dialed in, its no joke the king of any bus you throw it on.

i. Keszeg

July 11, 2017

on every channel

they do a fantastic job. I think no software plugin gives you this sound. I've had a hard time with other EQs to get the sound I was looking for, but the API EQs just sound right... instatly! I can't imagine mixing withouth them now.

N. Karkour

July 5, 2017

Great EQ

I use it for my guitars and Vocals amazing to hear it check my recordings

N. Karkour

July 5, 2017

Love it

As a Flamenco Brazilian Guitarist composer song writer my guitars sound real if you need the proof check my recordings with the UAD @

R. Holder

July 5, 2017


I freakin love this plug-in! It's like having my own API desk. I can't say enough about it. Just get it!!

B. Krueger

July 4, 2017

Great for sculpting

This is a great plug in for sculpting tracks. Just turning the power on adds detail to your sound. Good presets.

L. Jobst

July 4, 2017

great channel strip

The preamp it's very warm and the gate for metal Drums it's perfect... love the sound! Great job UA

雄. 鈴木

July 1, 2017



L. Vermeir

June 26, 2017

very versatile bus compressor

Fun to learn how to use this compressor, and hear the differences in style / knee / thrust settings... I'm very happy with this one!

S. Trytten

June 23, 2017

Cuts Frequencies above 25k?

I'm auditioning API 500 and comparing to other EQs. I am passing white noise through while looking at spectrum display in Eiosis AIR EQ. Unlike the other EQs, the API 500 has a definitive high-end cut-off around 25k. What's that about? I have to enter a rating to post, but don't know yet what I would really rate this.

L. Alin Gabriel

June 20, 2017

Work hard bundle

Big, clear, dynamic. 560 perfect for mono sources, focused mids, compact lows, silky highs. 550A , perfect for rebalancing stereo sources, it have a 3d quality on it.

1701-1720 of 2408 Results