Helios Type 69 Preamp and EQ Collection
Customer Reviews
Helios Type 69 Preamp and EQ Collection
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K. Gudim
So great!
This works perfectly together with the UNISON Preamp. Works like a charm! Highly recommended fr. On business
J. Francis, Jr
Nothing Better
I've been mixing professionally for b 30 years and for me Theres no better EQ for Guitars , Its always the right call I've used hundreds of ithers but keep coming back to this.....It Just works , So if it ain't broke ....so they say....
M. Sucur
69 Big and alive
FInally native.
Old school sound with old school preamp.
Make your guitars big and alive.
I would like the Cooper Time Cube MkII and rest on native too.
L. Predator
Helios Type 69 o melhor
O Helios Type 69 é o melhor chanell para mim. Não sei explicar mas consigo chegar muito rápido aos resultados com ele. Tudo se encaixa rapido na mix . Não sei se é por causa da sonoridades das minhas referências de discos Vintage. Só sei dizer que funciona. Fico esperando por uma extensão Luna para ele. Assim como o lendário compressor Pie. Tenho de 2 outras marcas famosas e esse Helios da UAD tem aquela magia que esperava. O melhor!
R. Olmos
Mi preamp favorito
Tengo un Shure sm7b para grabar voces y este preamp colocado en unison me ha cambiado por completo la forma en que suena este micrófono , es súper fácil de usar y me quita todos esos medio graves de una forma muy natural y muy fácil , excelente .
A. Mujic
I have no Native version (Why???!!!)
Bought this preamp previous year and still didn't get native version of this plugin. Shame on UAD team.
R. Butler
Tone for days
This was a preamp I knew little to nothing about, so I tried it out when I had a SPARK subscription. I recently bought it a few weeks back and it's my go-to at the moment when recording vocals. I like to push this one hard to get all that gooey saturation and distortion but it tend to start clipping too soon. I just wish this one had a transparent master output at the end of the signal like some other UAD preamps.
A. Botaro
Helios Type 69
Som quente uma mensagem e gravação fazem diferença
A. Botaro
Helios Type 69
Som quente!! Realmente numa gravação e mix faz a diferença
A. Gil
Off with the dust
Recently got Helios 69 Preamp and EQ collection and tried it in a few mixes. Never worked with a Helios console, but some friends have. After several trials and tests, called some of them to hear. The result was noneless than great. The Preamp gets a bit "crushy" in a very nice sounding saturation and the EQ is what you would expect from a classic board like Helios. A great "dust off" for someone who wants classic sounding plugins in a mix
L. Shelby
Excellent - especially on Bass!
A great emulation of the Helios Console!
A. Edwards
Helios 69. Great for mixing. Unsupported for long time users though.
This used to be one of my favorite plugins to mix with. Great midrange on guitars. Sadly I own the UAD2 version and can no longer use it on current Native systems without paying for it a second time. Great plugin but not enough to justify forcing customers to buy it twice to be able to use it. I enjoyed mixing with it but it has ultimately been a waste of money since I cant use it now
S. Elefteriu
Very good results
I used it on a big drum, some electric snare drums. Also on a vocal track (a complicated one). In the future I will expand the area of use because the result was very good. Personally, over time I have physically reproduced several models of preamplifiers with lamps with great attention to detail. In conclusion, this Helios emulation is very close (and in certain situations) surpasses the original. We can't develop here but the UAD result is professional.
P. Krason
Great emulation!
I own the Lindell channel and like both for different reasons but appreciate what the feel of the UAD a bit more.
L. Fagenson
Game changer for me
I hate to use the phrase "game changer" but for me that is what it is. I didn't think that I needed yet another "classic" emulation, but when you find the sweet spot with this there is nothing like it. The series I currently score is primarily for orchestra and electronics. This plug in brings amazing definition and vibe to everything that passes through it. In conjunction with the Manley Variety Mu it delivers instant magic.
A. Giroux
Smooth on rhythm session
Love this on acoustic guitar rhythm sessions. Tames down harshness
s. ayton
Can’t hear it
Like the Helios EQ but sounded like a boring preamp with distortion to me which I need like a hole in the head. V76 won in every case with the 1073 up there too and API does something fun for percussion so the Helios didn’t make the cut.
a. cristofalo
so useful for vocals
its amazing, im very happy with it
K. Yilmaz
I'm in love with this one
I'm in love with this one
A. G
I recommend