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Customer Reviews

Pultec Passive EQ Collection

Overall Rating

581-600 of 904 Results

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J. Wright

March 26, 2016

love this plug

I have had my issues with UA in the past but when the gear works there is nothing that compares in terms of software. others may be catching up and I think UA know they need to change certain aspects of their products and pricing but with the amount of sales available on the site and the quality of the product, we can have few complaints when they get it as right as this. One of my fave plugs. it's a great tool to sculpt sound and refine tracks.
Love this plug!
I didn't know whether to give this plug 4 or 5 stars. 5 is a tad too strong but is also a lot to do with the fact that this is still tech that will only get better. Loyal/existing customers should have a better discount tho, when it comes to revamped plugs!

b. martial

March 25, 2016

trés bel EQ, multiples utilisations

il sonnent mieux que pas mal d'autres versions d'autres fabricants......!!! et que la version legacy ! normal !pas forcement simple a utiliser, enfin il faut connaitre l'architecture pultec! mais cela sonne, vraiment c'est tout simplement joli!

R. Loncaric

March 25, 2016

Pultec Eq

Certainly the best sounding emulation of pultec on the planet!

S. Gettic

March 24, 2016

Best High/Low cut filter!

This is worth the price for the high/low cut filter alone..... Removes those unwanted frequencies, but adds a bunch of character instead.


March 19, 2016

buena compra

Buenas EQ, pero debería disponerse también de una versión rack. Los filtros paso alto y bajo son muy suaves y se han transformado en un habitual en mis mezclas. Recomendado.

S. Connor

March 19, 2016

Smooth EQ

Possibly the most famous EQ ever made and for good reason- most EQ's are great at cutting but very few are great for boosting frequencies without imparting undesirable characteristics on to the sound. The exception is this and the Manley Massive Passive- this is not for surgical eq but it does the job of adjusting the frequency response without changing the sound....... if that makes sense, the Manley Massive Passive is just a surgical version of this plugin- you need both, trust me!

R. Rubio

March 18, 2016

The best sounding EQ I own

The Pultec EQ's do much more that just filter frequencies. They add a pleasant color and warmth to all sounds. Plus in the top end it adds some nice air. Overall this is now my go-to and favorite EQ. Great on vocals, great on drum machines, great on everything.

S. Jensen

March 18, 2016


I love this eq! I could never own a real Pultec. But I love this easy to use eq. Like the people say, just put it in the mix and you have some magic! I have to say this is my 1st pick on a lot of recordings! I love this plugin!

F. Martino

March 18, 2016


Splendido plugin, dal suono caldo e pastoso. Ottimi filtri LP e HP, ma quello che mi piace molto è la morbidezza degli interventi. Esalta o attenua le "giuste" frequenze in modo delicato ma molto utile. Ottimo per aggiungere calore anche solo mettendolo in insert senza interventi. Da avere!

M. Ulis

March 15, 2016

Love it

I use this thing mostly as a sweetener, a little boost in the highs and lows on the EQP-1A and suddenly your sound goes from dull to gorgeous. This is a must have plug in for me now.

P. Nørgaard

March 8, 2016

Great EQ

So musical, and a great tool for sounddesign. The closed I have been to plug in like this is Native Instruments Eq's - Great stuff

J. Schmitz

March 1, 2016

Best and favorite plugin of all time

To me, a great sounding EQ is the most valuable tool a mix engineer has. And to have this kind of sound at your fingertips in a plugin form is really unbelievable. The same air and magic that you get from the real box, is right here. And that same excitement you get when using the real thing, is exactly what I feel every time I turn these knobs. UA is the greatest set of plugins, and this one wins in my book.

И. Мазаев

March 1, 2016

A perfect Plugin to fall in love with the UAD

it doesn't only remind me the 'sound' of the Pultec. But the sounds remind like going through a Pultec. That's what a great emulation is all about! There are some plugins that just recreate the sonics of the unit. This one recreates what the unit does to the source. It has some pultec 'flavor' if you like, but not too much.

And what I personally love is that It's also very easy to know when you don't need it on an instrument (like with the analogue one), one second and you're like.. 'no, this sound needs something else in this mix!" so you're not over-using it. Very important.

M. Ballenger

February 26, 2016

I can't mix without it

The Pulteq v2 lives on my 2buss. This plugin is one of the reasons I find it totally practical to mix ITB. This is one of the best models on the UAD platform by far.

D. DeWitt

February 16, 2016

It Just Works

It's really hard to make this plugin sound bad. I've used another company's Pultec emulation for years and never knew what I was missing until I pulled up this demo. There's just so much more life and smoothness to what it's doing. Between the sale and my coupon, I couldn't resist!

T. Couton

February 15, 2016

Always good

My go to EQ when I need something beautiful.

H. Morales

February 14, 2016

BAD F****** ASS

An absolutely remarkable emulation of the original hardware units. It's really hard to tell them apart.

J. Barry

February 11, 2016

There's a reason this plugin is iconic...

That reason is it boost and reduces bass at the same time. You have to hear it to believe it. It has it's own tone, but once you know how to use it you can boost those lows without getting mud. Here's how to do it: CPS at 30. Bandwidth to 7. ATTN to 10. Start boost at 0 and slowly turn it up. Bass will be epic. Wanna do vocals? MEQ-5. EQP-1A. Your voice is now gold. This is a must have plugin.

g. grini

February 2, 2016

I love it!

This is one of my favorites! I have used it on the master fader for mixing ever since i purchased it. BUT a one rack version
would make this perfect!

c. sampayo

January 20, 2016

Upgrading from an extensive use of the legacy Pultec plugin

As title states, I'm usual user of the old Pultec plugin. Sometimes just with all set to reset. Love the sound it provoques just passing through.
New one is obviously much better. Every control gives much more accuracy and sound is intense.
But still keeping the flavor.
Very happy with the purchase!

581-600 of 904 Results