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Customer Reviews

Waterfall B3 Organ

Overall Rating

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R. Vosbury

February 10, 2025


Great soundin B. The presets are excellent starting points.

J. Hodnett

January 31, 2025


Start to final download took less time than it does to make a sandwich . This plug-in is SUPERB in every aspect, and I've only scratched the surface. I'm from the old school and will admit, I'm still learning.. and loving every note of it!! I realize everybody and their brothers are designing Plug-ins, Universal Audio will be my go to, take the plunge and play it for yourself, you'll be pleased.

J. Hodnett

January 31, 2025


Old school analog guy here who has only recently started in the world of DAW and Plug-ins, and can say without a doubt the Waterfall B3 is fandamntastic if you need organ. Within a few minutes of purchasing I was downloaded and making music. The folks at Universal Audio know good sounds. Go ahead try it for yourself... you'll be pleased.

R. Van Howe

January 14, 2025

How to avoid a hernia

Keyboard player I once played with get a hernia moving his Hammond B3 to a gig. At the time he could not get the sound he wanted without the actual organ. This sounds so much like the real thing, it is uncanny. Looking forward to exploring all the options. Great presets.

J. Petach

January 12, 2025

Waterfall B3 is wonderful

I used to have the Pro Tools DB-33 Hammond Organ synth. However, that one won't run native on my M1 Mac. I missed the B3 synth, so I just bought the UA Waterfall B3. It's wonderful.!! It has more features than he DB-33 and sounds great. BTW, the Leslie screen animation looks so much like my old studio (including the carpet), that I was wondering if the developers came into the studio and shot the video. Kudos on this plug-in.

R. Pecunia

December 27, 2024


About as perfect as it gets. Very intuitive as easy to understand. Great extras with Leslie wind noise, preset clicks, etc. Wish I could figure how to get the Leslie to brake with a foot switch (right now I can only go from fast to slow, can brake with mod wheel or program a button to sen a midi message) but other than that its is killer! Well worth the price!

T. Flynn

December 3, 2024

The Ultimate Hammond B3!

I’ve been using this Waterfall Hammond B3 plug-in on all types of tracks… and it’s just so great, how you can use the waterfall speaker effect, or not, and otherwise have a traditional B3 sound… and really, just about any type of B3 style that you may want. There may be other B3 Organ emulations that can do more… I wouldn’t know, because I’ve been so satisfied with this one…while the quality and range of this emulation is absolutely incredible. The sound quality, like all UAD plugins, is absolutely superb. Highly recommended, say the very least! Not only that, but on some of the songs that I’ve used it on… almost every time people have commented on the organ sound. No joke. It’s that well done, and authentic, that it just jumps out, and listeners remark about it, over and over again. That’s really saying something. I don’t know if I’ve ever had that happen with any other plug-in or emulation.

F. Manteghian

November 28, 2024

I like to see this VI develop more

I would like to see UA improve the Waterfall rotary speed midi options. I am used to Air's DB-33 organ, where it is easy to assign the rotary speed (slow / brake / fast) to an expression pedal, so you can play with both hands and change speed with your foot (left in my case). UA defaults to the rotary speed being controlled by the Mod wheel (so you have to take your left hand off the keys to modify it), or you can assign it to the sustain pedal but then it only switches between fast and slow. No "Brake".

Another thing is some people complain is about harshness in the upper frequencies. I notice that as well when the Vibrato is on, or when some of the upper drawer bars are full extended. I compared it to the DB-33 and where the Waterfall is sometimes harsh in the upper frequencies, the DB-33 is also harsh in the lower frequencies.

When it comes to the Leslie, however, the UA Leslie is far superior.

So I like this instrument very much and with little effort, it can be made to sound superior to the DB-33, but the lack of expression control for the rotary speed is a downfall that I bet would be issue to fix.

Also, so many people want plugins ported to Spark. I'm the opposite - I would love to be able to stack the Waterfall Leslie in Console, after a Unison amp plug-in, but that's not in the cards right now. Sure, I could add the Leslie in PT but then I am working with latency issues which is what Apollo handles so well. Native stinks when its the only option. We have paid a tiny fortune for these DSPs and I would like to use them to their max.

F. Manteghian

November 28, 2024

I like to see this VI develop more

I would like to see UA improve the Waterfall rotary speed midi options. I am used to Air's DB-33 organ, where it is easy to assign the rotary speed (slow / brake / fast) to an expression pedal, so you can play with both hands and change speed with your foot (left in my case). UA defaults to the rotary speed being controlled by the Mod wheel (so you have to take your left hand off the keys to modify it), or you can assign it to the sustain pedal but then it only switches between fast and slow. No "Brake".

Another thing is some people complain is about harshness in the upper frequencies. I notice that as well when the Vibrato is on, or when some of the upper drawer bars are full extended. I compared it to the DB-33 and where the Waterfall is sometimes harsh in the upper frequencies, the DB-33 is also harsh in the lower frequencies.

When it comes to the Leslie, however, the UA Leslie is far superior.

So I like this instrument very much and with little effort, it can be made to sound superior to the DB-33, but the lack of expression control for the rotary speed is a downfall that I bet would be issue to fix.

Also, so many people want plugins ported to Spark. I'm the opposite - I would love to be able to stack the Waterfall Leslie in Console, after a Unison amp plug-in, but that's not in the cards right now. Sure, I could add the Leslie in PT but then I am working with latency issues which is what Apollo handles so well. Native stinks when its the only option. We have paid a tiny fortune for these DSPs and I would like to use them to their max.

p. poujet

September 27, 2024


Waterfall B3 , bug

G. N

July 26, 2024

Awesome B3!

Nice plugin, impressive emulation! Just, I hope in the future the UAD team can enable the machine authorization, so we don't need an internet connection all the time.

g. bynes

July 12, 2024

how do I connect or access the waterfall b3 plug in on my Mac air?

How do I connect to my Nord electro 6d?

K. Kincaid

July 6, 2024

Tried and bought immediately. Note to UAD: You should make an acoustic guitar emulator.

This is the first virtual instrument I've ever bought immediately on demoing it: Electra 88 Keyboard, also Waterfall Organ and then Waterfall Rotary Speaker. All amazing, almost the second I dropped them into my mix. Instantly legitimate sound.

I'm writing this review to praise it, but also in hopes that Universal Audio will hear my plea for a next-level acoustic guitar emulator (play electric, get acoustic sound). Something better and different than all the other acoustic guitar simulators, something that takes the signal from an electric guitar and then models it through some old vintage blues acoustics, nashville dreadnaughts etc. It would be amazing for in the box recording.

Thanks UA, this stuff is great.

U. Oehm

June 21, 2024

Alles Gut - Klasse B3 Orgel

Meine Sound-Vorstellungen werden erfüllt. Klasse B3. Ich hatte mal ein B4 VST2 Plugin von NI (das jetzt nicht mehr funktioniert) das mir noch besser gefallen hat. Die hat noch mehr geschmatzt.

N. Andreassen

June 12, 2024

Beautiful, but unreliable for me

I LOVE how the B3 sounds, when it's working right, but sometimes it only makes harsh noises for me, and on one occasion it started out fine but then suddenly would only play the lowest octave of an already recorded MIDI track. I suspect these are compatibility problems—I'm running this in Cubase on an M2 Mac—but the problems do seem to be unique to this one instrument. I tend not to try to solve these kinds of problems, but instead to switch to a different instrument (even if I don't like it as well), so that I can keep working. In other words, some of the blame for this might be on me and my work habits. I'm more an end user than a tech-person.

J. Chilcott

June 10, 2024

More than an emulation… it’s an instrument

I used to think B3 organ plug-ins were the same… That is until I tried this one. It surpasses all the others, not only in sound, but in feel as well. Something about Waterfall B3 that allows me to play this thing like an actual instrument as opposed to a simple plug-in emulation. It has immediately become my go to organ plug-in.

C. Thordin

June 10, 2024

Getting the real sound for unreal small money!

Very useful in the studio...

R. Rutle

June 2, 2024

Full and juicy

From using competitors B3 emulations, this felt like a wonderful and complete update. Fills in its space in the mix and can carry a song as a lead instrument if you like. The leslie has a wonderful fullness, texture and space to it.

J. REams

May 30, 2024

Sounds Good

This plugin sounds good, is easy to use, and is indeed usable. I am not going to give it a neck in neck comparison with the real hardware because I don't have enough experience with the real hardware. My only complaint, that during a session that goes for much more than an hour, the recorded tracks start doing random strange things (strange random notes and settings...I am using Cubase) and you either have to mute the track or reload the project that you are working on...fortunately the random changes don't save.

N. Gotzl

May 16, 2024

Buen audio pero…

El audio es increíble, el unico problema que en pro tools a veces falla y las notas quedan sonando si parar. Para arreglarlo hay que desactivar y volver a activar el plugin

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