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Customer Reviews

OX Amp Top Box

Overall Rating

121-140 of 197 Results

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M. Music

June 10, 2019

Mediocre reactive load and no updates so far?

I've got the OX for over 14 months now and found out the impedance curve of the OX reactive load is based on a 'bathtub', not a real speaker cab as they claim, its similar to the Two Notes Captor load. It lacks the low resonance peak, so their is no low frequency amp response. For a 1300 euro load box you would expect more! As an alternative i use the OX now with the Suhr Reactive Load and OX load in parallel which makes my amp respond much better and makes the cab modeling sound better, especially with the 4x12 and 4x10 cabs.

No updates, no platform, no way to backup your presets. I gave them 3 starts when i bought it but now i give them 2 stars as its way overpriced for what you get in this box. The cab modeling software sounds great but a simple native plugin would do it for me as the load is mediocre and the IO limited.

m. pilsworth

May 20, 2019

Just what I have been looking for...would like ditch the ipad though

I use mine mostly for home recording and love it - the build quality inspires confidence and being able to overdrive at midnight without causing a riot with the neighbours is a dream come true. To me the sound quality is amazing and find the presets a great starting point for experimentation. Don't have too much of an issue with the lack of XLR as my Apollo Twin only has trs line inputs anyway. I have just started using a Windows based system and would very much like to ditch my ipad and hook up to my PC with USB though.

D. Panczykowski

May 9, 2019

Whoever invented this should receive a Nobel prize

Absolutely incredible and freakishly accurate. I had previously been utilizing Aaracom attenuators with vintage Marshall and Fenders, as well as Metropoulos and Alessandro heads . However, had to relocate to very small apartment for work and even 'bedroom level' was not going to cut-it. Refusing to give up the tone I strived my whole life to find, I bought the Ox and prayed it would be 'manageable' enough for 1-year.
I've now put this thing through its paces for 1-year and I am still blown away every day by the tone. I am currently running those same amps into the Ox, then into a small mixer (via stereo XLR), then into Bose headphones. I literally can't believe the quality of what I'm hearing. The sound is natural, alive, sensitive, dynamic, and without any loss of the amp's voice. This is a truly monumental accomplishment on par with the moon landing or at least Beauchamp/Rickenbacker mounting the first pick-ups on a guitar.

J. Henderson

May 9, 2019

Was essential...getting over it

It's cool, it's handy, it does the job. updates in forever. I'm getting bored with it. I miss speakers that move air into well-placed mics. I HATE the wifi/ipad aspect. Just let me connect via, you know, the USB port that does nothing. There's a lot of untapped potential. This could be an industry standard, but it seems UA has lost interest. Sad to say I am as well. Come on, UA...breathe some life into this thing.

A. Cerceau

May 5, 2019

Oui mais ...

J'ai l'impression que UA a juste laché un produit inachevé ..
Pas mal de point faible par rapport à la concurrence qui a effectué beaucoup de mises à jours
Pour moi voici les principaux point faibles :
- Clipping numérique avec certain amplis pourvu de beaucoup de headroom ( je pense aux amplis comme Two-Rock et cie )
- Aucun Cab fonctionnant bien pour du High Gain
- Échantillonnage limité à 48K ( c'est une blague ??? )
- Auncune mise à jours ( Non Universal Audio votre application est loin d'être parfaite )

Une Update est vraiment nécessaire ( je ne parle pas qu'en mon nom, dans mon entourage nous sommes beaucoup à regretter tous ses désagréments, j'ai même des amis qui repartent sur du Two-Note ou encore d'autre qui vont aller sur le Boss Waza Tube Amp Expander..

Universal Audio S'il vous plait, au lieu de dire que vous n'avez pas abandonné ce produit, faites quelque chose...

J. Woodham

April 28, 2019

Ox Amp Top Box

The ox is built like a tank with top quality components and sounds great .
iPad app works fine’ finding ox works okay .
....but would be great to be able to download UAD plugins so I had some choice to what I can use on the ox.
Really hope UA has updates for the future as now rival brand has brought out similar product with more functionality.
Might sound greedy but more cabs ‘effects’ and a choice to purchase plugins would be great.
In all a good start but with room for improvement if possible make usb function with a computer.
Sound quality five stars but given four because unsure about future updates/functionality .

R. Mohammed

April 27, 2019

Absolutely WOW!

Using the OX in conjunction with 60's Fender and 70's Marshall and Hiwatt heads. The tone is amazing right out of the chute. The speaker and mic modeling is very flexible so there is always a tone to be found. Works well with pedals and retains harmonics, which is the difference between a lifeless guitar sim and the real deal. This box costs more than others, but so do Aston Martins. Don't be a square, get an OX!

M. Farnsworth

April 25, 2019

Where are the updates?

The unit sounds great, that's for sure (unless you play high gain and need chug). But it's been over half a year since the last update, and there have been no updates that unlock the footswitch or USB functionality. No updates that add V30 or other essential speaker types. Seems to be abandoned by UA while they focus on their digital products.

K. Jacobsen

April 20, 2019

Love it, but.......

Love this thing, it sounds fantastic, it has great intentions and it’s versatile. But there are a few things that I have issues with. It should have XLR connectivity to be truly a pro product. Physically it is a problem for me to have a good placement for it in my studio, it should be rack mounted. It bumps of the wifi network regularly and need resetting. I wish it had more than one amp input. It should have higher sample rate on the digital output. I wish the on/off switch was on the front. That said, now I can’t work without it. It’s here to stay. Rock on!

J. Brazinski

April 8, 2019


This is now one of my favorite pieces of guitar gear. I have it in a rack/amp head case for gigging, going straight out of the L&R outputs to FOH, and it works so incredibly well with my Fender Prosonic head.

The cab simulation adds a bit more amp color than I would like (i.e. the vox speaker adds more of a vox-y sound than just a straight cellestion blue would, but it does transform any amp into something completely useable. A remarkable piece of equipment for the studio or on tour.

Crystal clear sound that absolutely rivals any Kemer or Helix amp sound.

D. Brehm

April 6, 2019

XLR-Output missing

My sound engineers always wonder why there are only symmetric instrument outputs and no XLR. By using a DI-Box sound is not getting better. To avoid that a cable XLR female to instrument symmetric is needed. For such a price an XLR plug should be possible.

M. Stiso

March 21, 2019

Wi-fi control is stupid

not sure why UA thought controlling this with ONLY an iPad or computer was a good idea. Do they actually try and use this stuff? If I run a session with Pro tools using a dock the iPad needs to be on the same network as the computer running pro tools. Can't use the OX network. I have a second iPad mini but UA doesn't support that. There are however 3 USB outputs on the stupid thing but they are not functional at this time. I generally
think highly of the UA stuff but this seems to be not well thought out.

J. Vogt

March 21, 2019

The Amazing OX Amp Top Box

Picked this amazing OX box up in January. I use every aspect of this product. It gives me amazing attenuation on all of my amps. I now have the ability to use headphones through all of my amps as well as having a separate volume for headphone output. The App and the software is extremely good and customizable. My only gripes are the need for guitar cabinets with V30 speakers. As well as sometimes having issues with the OX connecting to the app via my wifi connection. Yes, I'm using comcast Xfinity internet with a 2.4 speed connection.

O. Schiavo

March 8, 2019

AMAZING only for iOS users?

OX Amp Top Box is FANTASTIC! But software App only for Mac/iPad is punitive...

t. klein

February 22, 2019

un autre monde

je l'ai acheté pour l'utiliser comme atténuateur ( il y excelle ) et je m'en sers finalement comme simulateur de HP. je n'ai jamais entendu mes amplis avec tant de précision, je n'ai jamais eu tant de contrôle sur le volume. c'est juste fabuleux.

A. Vigre

February 20, 2019

Love it.

Looking forward to an even more live guitarist interface, like footswitch for remote change between rigs and on/off rev, delays, compressor. And midi sync for delay speed. The latter is of course handy both live and in studio gigs. I1d also for the left and right channel like two separate dry/wet pots so to have one chanel dry guitar and the other chanel wet in fx. In example reverb unit wet in L and dry in R. And oposite in the modulation unit with R wet and L dry. Thanks for impressive work in speaker and mic simulation. Allan


February 18, 2019

The eighth wonder of the world

This is clearly the best gear I got. I own many guitars, many amps and many pedals. But this thing does a lot of marvels. Your sound stays pure and more...Now, I can hear a lot of details that I never heard before. It is worth every penny. Please UAD, release more cabinets, more treasures and the Ox Amp will be invincible... forever...

M. Daruvala

February 18, 2019

Perfect for the Studio ONLY

Perfect for the studio, but not for live use. There are many reasons against it for live use and the main one is the large volume steps in the attenuator. I tried using it for a wet dry wet setup, but was unsuccessful since the dry was either too quiet or too loud. I also fear that any liquids can get in through the vents totally destroying the box. I'm also keen to know if the footswitch option will be implemented and would be used for changing rigs - however, currently switching between rigs is too slow, so when you go into the lead break or switch to something ambient there will be a one or two second delay for the new rig to cut in.
I really want UA to be a leader in this product just like they are in the rest of their range. It is a solution that many have been waiting for and I now think they have missed the opportunity as another (as I regard) inferior manufacturer have taken advantage of the missing features of the Ox. UA have got to realise that the Ox is a solution for live gigging usage which is a larger money spinner that for studio.

H. Jørgensen

February 18, 2019

Next update?

Still missing V30’s. Any updates including this in the near future? Really had my hopes up for the OX.

M. David

January 8, 2019

Not much to say.

There is not much to say. This device is perfect.

121-140 of 197 Results