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Customer Reviews

Apollo Twin MkII

Overall Rating

241-260 of 1267 Results

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T. Brian

July 14, 2020

Great idea with Luna

Since Avid has destroyed itself from within. I was looking for something new. A good friend is a producer in the industry and told me to try Logic, but that doesn’t work for me. I use to use 11 Rack for my interface and it stopped working with PT 11. I love the 11 Rack, but they no longer offer support for it. So my buddy had enough of Avid too. Since I needed an interface, he recommended UA Apollo Twin cuz it came with Luna and we were looking to get a new Daw to use. So I think the both together have been pretty sick. There’s a few weird things, like printing midi tracks. But I’m sure they’ll figure things out. I could really see this becoming the new industry standard. Many are jumping ship, my buddy has 35k invested in PT HD, and he let it go to use Apollo and Luna. They just gotta make their plugins much much cheaper. Better to sell a lot at less than nothing at a lot. Their whole plugin bundle shouldn’t cost anymore than 500$. Most aren’t even that good. So the prices should be better. Good job on the rest!

j. platt

July 14, 2020

Level up!

The next step for any budding producer/artist

T. Fleet

July 14, 2020

Best interface out there

Pro level sound. Great 'console' software. Solidly built. Love it!

s. naim

July 14, 2020


This company allowed my sound to sound big, better, cleaner and much better.

D. Spicer

July 10, 2020

The tool for the job!

Lovely piece of gear, it's transformed my workflow. UA really stole a march when they incorporated the plugins with the interface, no noticable latency with DSP and you can print the effects to the recording as you go. It's brought the fun back into recording for me and don't have to keep worrying if my gear is up to the job. I'm happy and my CPU is happy too, thanks UA

B. Koontz

July 9, 2020

Unbelievable Clarity

The preamps in this are cleaner and more detailed than I thought possible. The console application is intuitive and both jive well with Ableton. Hard recommend!

j. bravo

July 8, 2020

Is God but something is wrong with it

The plug ins I use to have in my old software count activate in this new software and plus the plug ins that they suppose to give me it dind activate

j. bravo

July 8, 2020

Is God but something is wrong with it

The plug ins I use to have in my old software count activate in this new software and plus the plug ins that they suppose to give me it dind activate

j. bravo

July 8, 2020

Is God but something is wrong with it

The plug ins I use to have in my old software count activate in this new software and plus the plug ins that they suppose to give me it dind activate

j. bravo

July 8, 2020

Is God but something is wrong with it

The plug ins I use to have in my old software count activate in this new software and plus the plug ins that they suppose to give me it dind activate

S. Munjal

July 8, 2020

Trouble during replacing plugins

The plugins set I chose, was chosen by mistake. Having trouble re choosing them.

J. Meraviglia

July 6, 2020

Simply the Best

Hands down THE interface to have. This thing delivers, the 4 SHARCs really allow you to record and mix super complex songs. I love it. Nothing beats Apollo.

J. Cubillos

July 4, 2020

Sin duda la mejor

Captura los más mínimos detalles y me fascina los procesos en tiempo real, 0 retardo, debería traer más plugins de fabrica gratis.

J. Stephan

July 4, 2020

Gute Entscheidung

Das Apollo Twin MKII zu kaufen war wirklich eine gute Entscheidung. Die Qualität ist sehr gut. Der Sound ist phantastisch. Das Händling einfach und logisch. Also Top alle Daumen hoch.

S. Marzolini

July 3, 2020


easy, effective and with great sound

S. Marzolini

July 3, 2020

instant warmth and tape sound

beautiful plugin, with the warmth of the tape, it depends how you use it you discover new possibilities for something you thought you had heard.A familiar sound in each mix

S. Marzolini

July 3, 2020

reliability and quality

It is my 5th UAD device and I am very happy for the quality of its converters, software and above all because it prints unmatched sound and warmth to the mixes.

M. Greene

July 2, 2020

Great portable interface

Great portable interface that allows me to capture individual overdubs on my laptop using some of the finest plug in mojo. Glad I picked this up for those quick last minute pick ups.

P. seop

July 1, 2020

Very good product

Very very good interface.

O. Payne

June 30, 2020

Life Changer

This was probably one of the best music related purchases I have ever made. Not only is the quality of the audio so detailed, but by having the processors built in to run plugins seamlessly just opens up a whole new world of creativity. Yes it may be more expensive than some other audio interfaces, but it really is worth every penny.

241-260 of 1267 Results