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Warm up your sound with up to 85% savings during UAD Bundle Month. Ends 2/28! Shop Now ›

What’s Included: UAD Native, UAD-2 Realtime, and LUNA Extensions

Regular Price: $449.00


You'll Save 82%

Customer Reviews

Magnetic Tape Bundle

Overall Rating

1921-1940 of 2184 Results

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B. Toval

December 14, 2013

Ampex ATR-102 It gets Better

The bottom line for me is does processor improve the sound; meaning do I like what I hear. Simply put with the ATR-102 I like what I hear. This was a good investment.

K. Péter

December 14, 2013

Studer and Ampex

On the tracks I use the Studer 800 and on the master and the instrument groups (drums, guitars, etc) I use the Ampex ATR and it is strong and warm.
Previously I used the Studer in the mastering chain but Ampex is better for that.

H. Godas

December 13, 2013


The presets are just awesome. For people like me, looking for an analog-like sound, this plugin is a must have. It brings personality to sounds.

A. Ernst

December 6, 2013

The most instantaneously gratifying plug-in I've heard!

For analog tape lovers, young & old, this is the best thing that's happened to digital since Radar. Redemption at last, it's 1980 again.

It doesn't matter if you're too young to have ever recorded with tape, or know the difference in the smell & character of Ampex 456 & Scotch 250, or have ever edited with a China Marker & a razor blade…

This is what tape sounds like. I use it on every session.

If you've just purchased this, try the Chuck Ainlay "Saturated Snare Edge" & listen to the sound change as you raise the master fader. Remember where you like the sound based on the VU meter. It's a good starting point & a good way to educate yourself on the effects of tape saturation. Don't be afraid to go into the red!

S. Barou

December 5, 2013


It's hard to describe how good this plugin is...What it brings to the mixes is simply stunning. The addiction is immediate and I don't think I will ever be able to mix/master without it now :-)
..better than words try the demo now and see (hear) for yourself. I especially recommend it in combination with the Studer A800 on your tracks.

S. Barou

December 5, 2013

bring on the 3D

I nearly bought a Studer A807 machine a few years ago but got a bit frightened by the cost and time of maintenance and finding parts, etc...
UAD really nailed it with this plugin, the depth, color, warmth, stereo image are just so incredibly good. I use it on every channel in Logic, at the start of the chain, and the Ampex ATR-102 on the master bus.
Use it as an EQ on bass too with more extreme settings.
Once your mix is done and that you got some really nice 3D vibe from this plugin, try bypassing all of them and your nice mix is collapsing like a house of cards....
what a fantastic plugin! I recommend it especially in combination with the Ampex.

K. Hopeton

December 2, 2013

Warm Warm Warm

The only thing that gets warmer than the Studer A800 is the Sun,
Oh my stars , I love the warm feel of this monster in a box...

L. Schlegel

November 29, 2013

Fat sounds!

I've been printing this down with the UAD Console. Gives absolutely everything I put it on just the right amount saturation. Beautiful!

J. Cabrera

November 8, 2013

A Must Have!!!

The Studer A800 is the first plugin I place across my mixes. This helps me get a good sound right off the bat. Once I dial it in, I proceed by placing the SSL G Buss Compressor on the Master Bus and start mixing from there. Do this and not only will you end up using less EQ and Compression, but your mixes will sound better because of it. Don't forget to play around with the Bias and HF filter. That's where the magic is at!

M. Sartini

November 1, 2013

Best plug in so far

I used this on 3 or 4 mixes so far and it does wonders. It makes everything sound warmer with more presence. Exactly what I need since I am only using plug ins.

J. Spillman

October 26, 2013

Mind blowing

Absolutely the most realistic tape emulation plug in out there. The ATR on the master buss is unbelievable.

A. Picciafuochi

October 26, 2013

Excellent Special plug-in

I test it also for a personal remastering of an ultra famous 70's record that I own in HD quality files (176.4kHz/24bit), originally recorded in analog tape machines obviously, and the result was absolute stunning as on digital sources!

R. Adame

October 21, 2013



P. Tuttle

October 21, 2013

Warmth and Sparkle

I was on the fence about spending this much $$ on a plugin. I'll never look back. This is awesome! 4-stars for the high price, but audio is great.

J. Lehde

October 14, 2013

Amazed at what I was missing!

On some mixes and individual tracks this plug-in is just what the Dr. ordered. It does that special e.q. / compression thing that just seems to gel tracks together. It is one of my new favorites for mastering. I also love using it or the Studer A800 as the last piece of a track preset for guitar tracks.

P. Jacobsson

October 13, 2013


Another superb plug in from UAD. BUY THIS!!! Adds warth, depth and that gritty vibe. Goes perfectly along with everything/anything. This type of saturation is really hard get in a daw world, but know - Its here!

A. Eriksmoen

October 12, 2013

Kick ass

This plugin kicks ass. Great on individual channels and awesome on master bus.

J. Gilutin

October 11, 2013

I'm Master of my domain...

They have done such a great job on all of these plugs... it's hard to choose. And then... they let you demo everything... it's like playing with a puppy at the pet store... they know what they're doing!
This just makes everything sound richer and better... like tape... it really works. It brings that warm glue to anything you put it on... like others have said... Don't Demo it!!... you'll buy it for sure.. this stuff is like crack!

G. Noteris

October 10, 2013

Brilliant !

What can i say that's not already said about this product ?

As a master plugin it's a must have for sure. Gives a final polish that's hard to describe. Subtle but soooo efficient for choosing a color that suits your mix.

The FX capability of the plug is fantastic too : Tape chorus/flange are really nice, wow/flutter can bring life to static sounds, and tape delays are great for vocals/guitars.

I'm rating 5 stars but wish i could rate it 10 !

P. Larose

October 8, 2013

Ouvrez votre son

Cette simulation est réellement efficace et extraordinaire. Le travail de profondeur du spectre sur un mix est précis , plein de chaleur et ouvre définitivement le son d'une manière positive. Même si les réglages ne sont pas simples pour qui ne connaitrait pas la "bête" originale, les presets sont intéressant , peut être pas encore assez nombreux mais très efficaces. La combinaison du studer en multitracks et de l'ampex en mix est un moyen parfaitement idéal pour ajouter une vraie touche analogique dans une chaine entièrement numérique.

1921-1940 of 2184 Results