Manley Tube Preamp
Customer Reviews
Manley Tube Preamp
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warm audio with one click
warm audio with one click
S. Tanner
The extra tone
The preamp does it very well. I don't need everytime a preamp, but at some sessions it is very helpfull. Sounds great.
O. Kudin
Absolutely useless plugin
I didn't understand this plugin.
Yes, it amplifies the signal with a little warmth
Absolutely useless plugin
M. Giraldo
buen preamp
suenaa bien y tiene buena coloracion
M. Giraldo
Suena rico
Suena un color dulce paara las grabaciones, bajele la ganacia y subaa el input
C. Amza
Simple. Does get you there!
It is quite simple to use. It does not have all the functions of the Voxbox but it does do a great job on my mic. Sounds amazing in Unison and that, for me, it’s how I think it’s intended to use.
R. Evans
Warm and clean
Warm, clean, hi-fi. Does exactly what it says it will.
J. Mendel
Love the rich tone of this preamp! I love the VoxBox, but this is way better for unison slots in Luna! Super glad UA came out with this version!
c. rosario
Low on dsp
I like mixing it with the neve 1073 eq
It’s savory and sweet , the perfect TLC combo on anything.
R. Giraldo Taveras
Buen Sonido
Buen sonido y buen balance en el consumo de DSP.
T. Stankiewicz
Real Manley
Sounds as expected
C. Panetta
Great preamp
own the voxbox already, so I got this one free with two discounts, why bother? simple enough, I wanted the tone of the preamp, less dsp and to hit a noise gate before compressing my vocals. The preamp alone offers flexibility to use other processes on my vocal chain going into my DAW. The voxbox is great all in one tool on it's own, visually this preamp is more upfront and less options to choose from, so I can make quicker adjustments to my chain. Great sound. Love it.
S. El Hammami
Great Preamp
Sounds different from Neve one. Really well adapted to C800 emulation from Sphere L22 plugins using my Towsen microphone
J. McNair
In love
I love the sound and clarity and ease of use of this plugin absolute must have $40 plus dollars well spent and the gui is beautiful what more could you ask for
D. Pal
Nice for a warm Tube sound
After buy the Voxbox i habe buy this little pre, its nice to give my voice after the recording a little bit of warm tube sound
J. Shin
Nice tube saturated sound.
L. Spilger
Great preamp!
Wonderful preamp tone. Glad to have it in my unison arsenal.
M. Johannes
Tube Sound of Manley
Good !!!
B. Thomas
Instant analog bliss
This preamp turns my Apollo Solo into a pro front end for my tracking. What's not to like? The smoothness, the detail, the grit when pushed hard... the simplicity. One of the best additions to the UA range of plugs.