Softube® Amp Room Bundle
Customer Reviews
Softube® Amp Room Bundle
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G. Hall
digging the clean sub..
The bass room is one of my well used plugins. I find it adds lift depth and realism to not so convincing soft synths and samples. Love the clean sub settings for a quick round bottom in my hands. :-)
J. Vanzino
Good Emulation
This takes me back to the days when we could work in a large room and really be able to tweak the guitar rig for hours to get just what we were looking for. Great sound and unlimited variations using the mic placement feature.
I do have two gripes though that keep this from a 5 star rating. It would be great to choose many more mic's than what is offered (although you can accomplish this some crafty eq'ing but it's not as fun!) and the lack of a built-in tuner.
R. Belew
Convenience and a killer sound
I purchased Amp Room Bundle to use with my Apollo quad to let me have near zero latency. The amps sound quite good and when combined with the Roland RE-201 it provides me with just about everything I need for now. I'm just beginning to dig a little deeper but I'm a happy camper right now.
K. Church
Great product!
I've used soft amp on my current project for bass and guitars. Love the VOX AC 30! Not to mention the other amps are great too. I used to be a amp snob luntil I heard and felt the warm tone I can get out of the VOX simulation. Sounds like the real deal! I have a 65 Fender Blues Jr that sounds great, but these amps sound just as good once you dial them in. Watch the input gain and use a tube preamp in the power strip to give it some power and bam! You'll have an awesome recording amp. I also plugged my pedal board into the Apollo Twin Duo in the instrument port incase you're wondering. As far as bass goes I plug directly into the Twin Duo with soft amp and a tube preamp selected in the inserts section on the mixer. Thanks UAD!
J. Abbott
Not impressed
Works ok I guess but there are a lot better amp sims out there
Kind of an underwhelming product for $ 200
B. Malouf
Musical amp sounds
The folks that produced this plug-in are ARTISTS. This is an exquisite and simple design that reaps tremendous benefits sonically and makes mix placement of the instruments going through it effortless.
J. Brown-mccue
Good but not Great
I've found uses for almost each of these simulated amps so they aren't useless.. I prefer Guitar Rig though.
It would be cool if they had offered gate on each amp, I believe it's only on the Metal.
It takes up a lot of cpu. Good but could have been better.
J. Cummins
Once again great, they so just what they should. Sounds from the past to the present. Now once again get back to work with these wonderful tools! Thanks again Universal Audio.
R. Huard
great amp
i been waiting a lot to be able to buy me this little piece of art
now i cant live without, love the true sound of it
L. Luchet
Softube amp review
Great sound, I just wish we could add some stomp boxes effects on it.
F. Whitehead
I wasn't sure at first...
After using more processed amp sims such as Native's Guitar Rig and Scuffham's S Gear (which are also great amp sims) I wasn't sure that I liked Softube's Amp Room at first. If you want effects (compression/delay/chorus/doublers/reverbs) then this isn't your amp sim. But, if you just want a great tube amp tone that fits in the mix nicely, this is perfect! Very easy to get great sounds! My favorite amp currently is the Fender model.. Crank the volume, treble, and middle to 10 and keep the bass around 2... Control how dirty you want your signal by how much signal you are sending the amp by the pre. That setting is my go to with my Fender Tele but it also works great with a Les Paul and a Gretsch. The bass amps are killer, too!
S. Renius
Softube Bundle
Hey guys,
The tool sounds very warm and makes the experiment imagination.
A good Idea from you!!! Cool!
Stephan :-)
How about emulations of Elysia products? That would be a good idea for the future :-).
A tool for editing the voices (and Bass) would be great. In the manner of (Waves Vocal/Bass Rider, The Breath)
J. Mcnabb
Amazing feel
Responds so well with pedals. Records flawlessly with my PT10. AB'd with some very skeptical guitar player friends and the amp room had them baffled and in most cases the amp room was the more desired tone. Have also used it live when my amp went down and the sound tech was amazed. A+
S. Beckham
Amazing isnt enough
I love AmpRoom for the sound and real time Apollo power, but it needs to host other UAD plugs (ex)-EP34 ,as part of the preset instead of having to set that up later in my D.A.W sends to get the same exact sound.
Left thinking ruins the creative flow..and every bit helps immensely when creating.
I INSIST that UAD make a much faster preset menu!
Quick scrolling of presets on ALL plugs i s NEEDED! NO more click/scroll/load, LAME!! When looking for a sound I wanna hit the down arrow on the keyboard and that's it..NEXT! UA..Please make better preset flow/speed, AND..
Transfer of sounds from Console to Daw Drag and drop would do nicely here!!!
Ideally having Amp room with FX inserted then dragged to my Daw would RULE!! As 4 all UAD plug
J. Cox
Great emulations
I have both native and UAD and have close to, if not, every amp sim out.
I love them both. I monitor using UAD version on apollo coming in and play back using native. I have 2 prs's one P22 with peizo pickups and outputting peizo into one amp sim and bridge pickup into another on the apollo yields a guitar tone that I've not heard before. I love it.
Bass amp room is out standing!
If you forget these are plugins, they sound amazing.
We primarily use them to sketch out arrangements and riffs. However I've re-amped to amp room and used amproom more than any other re-amped sim.
Record a di of guitars along with a miced amp. Shootout the amp with amproom. It's not bad :)
A. Viken
Softtube Amp Room Bundle
Hey, I'm not a guitarist myself, but I have been visited by several guitarists who have tested the product and the feedback has been overwhelming! Sound and playability are absolutely amazing according to my friends! This is great!
D. Kane
Super Versatile!
This plug in allows me to really fit the bass into a mix without going through the trouble of re-amping (Thanks for that!). Having the high and low shelf EQ curves on the DI is very helpful, too - nice touch! Also, vocals sound great through this - as do drums.
C. Soulos
Stunned and amazed
Is there some reason this shouldn't work? Yes, the way guitar amp sims are handled in the digital domain, whether hardware digital or VST, generally falls far short.
But I'm finding I'm using the bass amp for the balls it imparts. It just feels like the ideal set up, Amp and DI, mixed and phase corrected. And it feels like what it says it is.
I'm also using the amp sims even after I record through an amp. Something tightens the sound but doesn't wring out the life.
I just finished a Psychobilly album and used the Gtr amps to customise the sounds to the exact space I wanted.
I'm not using Guitar Rig or my PODxt anymore... well, not as much!
B. Plamondon
Bass Amp Room puts you in the room
This may be a bass guitar plugin but it also works great on guitars to add depth and space.
D. Colombo
The best ever solution for tracking and sketching
With this bundle you can track guitar and bass with no latency and ... No sound at all :) models are great even if the number could be improved . Great sound but should give options for pedals. Quite limited in options compared to Amplitube and Guitar rig, but I find this bundle the best friend of an Apollo rig if you track with no amps and just think of reamp or simulation later on. The bass amp is really great. I got rid of all Pod and alike, this pluging bundle does what I need and then I just shape the sound later on. Waited for this a lot. Now finger crossed also BX rocktrack .. Could join the happy UAD platform ??