Eventide® H910 Harmonizer
Customer Reviews
Eventide® H910 Harmonizer
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H. Terstiege
So creative... so cool
Very musical and creative. Quite limited sound options at the same time. Don't quite like it for delays but love it for the extreme stuff and odd pitch variations. I find that I only get 2 or 3 sounds out of it that seem useful to me but these are killer!
D. Kane
Buy it right now!
It's uncanny how close this gets to the real deal! Sounds incredible and is even more flexible than the original. Perfect for generating unique atmospheres around your tracks.
R. Dodd
Oh how I no longer miss the "real thing", Thank you UA.
Now if only you could make it almost impossible to fix...
h. Nicolson
I'm using it on all my synths, life is 2 dimensional without one!!!
Love it!!!
M. Penn
Awesome & Warm!!!
Yes this is awesome.. Vintage, Warm, Crazy with some Modern Touches.. Love this so much .. Really great on Vocals and Backgrounds.. Thickens up the signal nicely.. Must have in arsenal. They definitely modeled the I/O u can hear it and feel it!!
Great Job UA!!
C. Martin
Sir Nose Devoidoffunk
It's the return of Sir Nose Deviodoffunk! When I first started that was the first sound I wanted to find out how it was made. The arch nemisis of good music who had come to steal the groove and pimp the pleasure principle. I'm already testing and playing with the demo!
A. Rizzo
Great Emulation! Pure Glam.
Instant glam rock in a tin. Where are my 7" Platforms? The ones with the fish tanks in the heels. Yeah.
J. Rutter
So damn good! I just turned a snare into some old 80's Arcade Game Over type effect, you can imagine all the craziness that happened along the way to getting that sound. Oh and yeah it does them "classic" H910 effects for thickening stuff up and creating space. This is going to be fun to play with..
5 stars
Fantastic plug-in. Considering it's the only emulation of this unit, no complaints.