Apollo 8
Customer Reviews
Apollo 8
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very nice
I like apollo 8
M. Kipp
A perfect complement of my silver Apollo
I am happy using the Apollo 8 via Thunderbolt. Now I can work with 32 tracks and use all the to me "harmonic sounding" UA plugins provided. I love to use that gear.
S. Bhatti
Simply amazing!
B. Mangum
The Apollo far exceeded my expectations!!!
I was so impressed with how much processing power the Apollo has not to mention the superb quality of UA’s plugins. I would highly recommend the Apollo series for anyone serious about recording.
b. gabrielli
au top
en complement de ma twin pure convertisseur
My new spaceship
This device is amazing. Build quality is impeccable, it looks powerfull in the rack.
But when you get to dive in the Console and the world of plugins you discover the immenisity of the new domain you have opened.
And all this with a pristine sound, perfect preamps, powerfull monitoring.
A must have device!
D. Perini
Apollo 8 è spettacolare!!!
Questa scheda audio è molto di più di quanto ci siamo aspettato!!! E' molto veramente fantastica!!!
O. Morris
Apollo 8 blackface
Great gear love the sound I have 2 Apollo 8s, Apollo twin and the satellite quad everything is connected via thunderbolt which works flawlessly with console so in a nutshell you can’t go wrong with universal audio Apollo’s
O. Morris
Apollo 8 blackface
Great gear love the sound I have 2 Apollo 8s, Apollo twin and the satellite quad everything is connected via thunderbolt which works flawlessly with console so in a nutshell you can’t go wrong with universal audio Apollo’s
E. Vural
Suitable for any combination in the studio. Complete.
J. Sniecikowski
Well worth the investment
The first things I noticed after switching from Scarlett is that just playing music sounded better. I was never one to gush over converters but I can definitely hear that Apollo has more depth, less distortion, and better clarity.
The thing that sold me, however, is the ability to track through the unison preamps and commit to my sounds. You might feel the plugins are a bit pricey but UA has a lot of promotions, free plugins and vouchers.
The console software is a major step up from what I've had before and it's been super stable. I'm very happy about my Apollo!
R. Alaniz
Loving The Integration
I purchased the 8 to use with my MK2 and satellite (October) Love how they all work seamlessly together...
M. Diaz
Sean Production
Tremenda Interface. La recomiendo 100%%. Creo que es la mejor inversion que echo hasta este momento.
D. Caraccio
Game changer
Achetée à la base pour profiter des plugins UAD lors du mixage, il s’avère que la technologie Unison est super efficace lors du tracking, ça permet d’amener du grain et du caractère et de gagner du temps pour la suite. J’adore !
M. Diaz
Sean Production
Esta a sido la mejor interface que hemos comprado. Hace el trabajo mejor de lo que esperabamos. La recomendamos 100%..
C. Barchi
Very good
I recently changed the setup of my studio and decided to buy UAD Apollo 8Duo Thunderbolt.
Apart from a few minor problems with the installation, I am very satisfied with this product.
Solid and well built product, remarkable quality.
The software console is beautiful.
And then there are the fabulous plug-ins ... only side a little 'negative is the cost of plugins ....
Now we will start to record ....
Can't be better!!!
So fan! Use to have an RME and it's night and day. Unison technologie is amazing so far.
Bravo UAD
J. Rupert
Everything I expected...
As a singer-songwriter, I wasn’t entirely sure if this amount of flexibility was necessary. I have a fair amount of outboard gear which is all predominantly used during the recording process. Typically, I find the signal chain that I want to record with, and patch in for the duration of the session. It changes from instrument instrument, but since I am the only one using my facilities for the majority of the time, I wasn’t sure that the UAD Apollo was a proper fit. I am thrilled with the sound reproduction, the conversion, and all of the various features that this unit provides. I am looking forward to trying some of UAD’s plug-ins, as well. If you need all of the ins and outs that come with this unit, save up the extra money if you need to and buy one. The difference between this and one of my interfaces that I had four or five years ago from brand “F” that cost half the price is remarkable.
I can’t wait to dive deeper into this unit and really put it through its paces. Just for the flexibility, the Console software, and the AD/DA conversion, it is well worth the money.
H. Persson
It’s amazing!
I’ve used it for a couple of weeks in the studio and I’m in love. It’s so stable and it has prolonged the life of my workstation! It’s worth every penny!
J. Tocket
Perfect mobile rig
Amazing quality and options in a portable device.